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For me, working with psychosomatics is real magic! The path on which the client finds his true self and becomes more alive is not magic! A transformation we make together with the client. A miracle that I never cease to amaze and rejoice at... I’ll share one story with you... A six-year-old girl I know, Marishka, suffers from allergies. The symptom appears suddenly for various reasons. I was allergic to literally everything except air... and sometimes even to it. My parents struggled with allergies in every possible way... Hundreds of medications, terrible diets. Marisha is so sunny, from the fight against the disease she gradually turned into a shadow. And while on vacation in the forest, I see how the child’s eyes turned red and his nose ranny. Mariska immediately warned that she had developed an allergy and, with a serious, adult look, asked for medicine. I suggested an experiment - imagine your allergy as something. The girl had a strong tickle in her nose and she imagined that a small butterfly was flying inside her. “What does this butterfly want?” I asked. “To fly to her parents and tell her that she misses her very much.” I knew that her parents had been getting divorced for many years and Marishka missed “warmth and love.” The girl cried, we hugged and were sad, and a minute later Marishka ran to play with my son. "What about the medicine?" - I asked. “I don’t need it anymore,” the butterfly girl shouted and flew away. Marisha felt better; during two weeks of rest in the forest, where there were a lot of flowers, fingers and all sorts of goodies, the allergies no longer appeared. Marishka’s eyes shone with joy, no longer watered or turned painfully red. Real MAGIC has happened. When I remember Marishka, tears appear in my eyes. If parents wanted to find out the cause of children's allergies and simply give the child the warmth they need. They replaced medications with gentle words and hugs, stopped diets, gave the most important nutrition - love. Such accessible MAGIC - just love.
