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When we decide to see a psychologist, few people are ready to go for several years. Usually you want to solve your problem quickly, even if not in one session, but at least in 10 sessions. How realistic is this? 1-2 sessions can help if you need to solve a specific issue right now: for example, I’m afraid to speak, and there’s a presentation next week; I’m afraid to fly, and tomorrow I have a plane. But often the problem with which people turn to a psychologist did not form in one day or yesterday. Usually the roots go deep several years, or even decades, into the past. Working only with the present, without touching the past, is like sticking a band-aid on a sore spot. Yes, it may become easier for a while, but the wound will not heal, you will need a new patch and so on in a circle. It takes time to review and change patterns of behavior and life scenarios. To go into the past, into pain, shame, anger, resentment, unrequited feelings, you need trust. And trust arises in relationships. This takes months. It also happens that the first serious shifts in one’s attitude and expression of oneself in the world occur only after a year or two of working with a psychologist. And this is not because the specialist is bad or I didn’t try hard, it’s just that the psyche needs time, and this is individual for everyone. During the first sessions, people usually take a closer look at each other. Does the manner of conducting the session immediately cause rejection? How comfortable it is to share personal things with this person, what kind of feedback does the psychologist give. There is often disappointment that the meeting took place, I told about my problem, but the psychologist did not tell me what to do. But you should remember that psychologists usually do not give direct advice for action, because the goal of therapy is to develop self-reliance and the ability to take responsibility for your life. And again, this cannot be done in a short time. In 1-2 sessions, it is unlikely that anything significant will happen, but you can feel whether the specialist is attentive, how much he strives to understand you, listens or speaks more, formulate your request... Ask yourself what you want you expect from a psychologist. I am for a careful attitude to each personal story, for allowing a person to determine for himself the depth to which he can go, the degree of self-disclosure. consultation 2000 rubles https://t.me/Vyskvarkina_psy
