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The Golden Tips of Envy are the words of my therapist...And it is clear that they were said when we were discussing the feeling of envy. Oh, and this is a very unpleasant feeling... I’m directly susceptible to it, then I’ll see someone better than me, then I’ll see someone slimmer, smarter, faster, bolder, etc. You can substitute your own adjectives... It is clear that everything comes from my childhood, I often fell short of others in some ways, according to my parents, and at the same time I tried very hard to receive gratitude, but the result was an interesting thing. When I did everything perfectly, it was taken for granted and was not assessed, but somehow I did something wrong, then I was immediately assessed as unsuccessful. But I definitely wanted to understand this feeling more and change my behavior strategy. It turns out that envy does exist: level 1 is when I envy and start doing something so that I have this. Such motivating envy. But level 2 is when I envy and suffer greatly because I am not like that. It’s not just that I don’t know how to do this, but that I don’t know how and therefore I become completely useless (the picture of myself collapses). And here is the second level, it, of course, ruins people's lives. In this case, I consider myself “ugly.” But what does the “golden tips” have to do with it, you ask?! But at the same time... That when I start to envy something, I remember that I see only the top of the achievements, and I forget something down there that is behind it. For example, I envy that my girlfriend went to an interesting conference, and I really want to go too. But as soon as I remember what is behind all this, namely: multi-day business trips, constant sales training (up to 10 units per month), the manager is not a “gift”, etc. So, I probably don’t need this whole complex as a burden for a wonderful conference, I won’t be able to handle this program... And I see that the tips of envy are no longer golden, they don’t shine, they don’t attract, and it becomes easier, it lets go... I also noticed in consultations The topic of envy practically never comes up with clients, sometimes it flashes by, but quickly disappears... It seems simple, but this metaphor about golden tips helped me...
