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Sometimes we cannot cope with something. Each of us has our own weak point, pet peeve, Achilles heel or disease that constantly “attacks”. If we consider symptoms as an unfulfilled need, it turns out that everyone has their own particularly hungry need. (True, the same disease in different people may have different needs.) My “copy” was sitting in my office. Outwardly, a girl completely different from me, in her manners, gestures and intonation, strongly reminded me of me. It was so exciting to watch myself from the outside that I just stared at my guest, losing the thread of the conversation. “Bronchitis,” said my client. - Every month. As soon as I recover and I am NOT healthy again. Honestly, it was the word “bronchitis” that brought me back to reality. My favorite is bronchitis. Of course. How... I know him, I know... I meet him often... -Are we really alike in this too? – I thought. And it became even more interesting for me to recognize my interlocutor. I asked the client to describe the sensations of bronchitis. How she feels him inside her. The girl showed how unpleasant sensations scratch her from the inside. “Can you show this movement?” Can you listen to the movement and continue it? The client began to move her hand, stroking the air. Her movements slowed down, became less aggressive, smoother, and then completely soft and erotic. “What’s wrong with your sensations in your chest?” – I asked, enthusiastically watching the girl’s gestures. “I felt warmer.” It was as if something inside had warmed up. She continued to move her hand, listen to the sensations, and I watched my “copy”. Still, it’s interesting to know about bronchitis, both hers and mine. “I really like this hand movement.” I’m just enjoying the movement. The client’s eyes became noticeably sadder. “I miss touches like this so much.” Everything in my throat was dry from these words. “Men’s hands.” Caresses, tenderness. I almost coughed. “Now there’s no one nearby who could give it,” the client said sadly. “From what or from whom can you get similar sensations?” “I don’t like sex without love, so for now... I’ll replace it with massage.” And also...And then we discussed those actions that give pleasure to my client, helping to “feed the hungry need.” There was singing, driving at high speed, dancing and swimming, and even jumping on a trampoline... (my copy turned out to be very inventive). And I was surprised at yet another similarity with my guest. And I simply wrote down her “finds” in my notebook, so that I could later apply them on myself. “Creativity... you know, it gives me a lot of energy, a lot of pleasure, satisfaction... As if I invested energy in some process, got pleasure and it became even more more.. and everything warms up inside... We all miss tenderness and touches. We are all sorely lacking warmth. No matter how much a modern person strives for independence, he is unable to cope with the need for other people. He cannot satisfy all his needs himself. Those who do not want to “feed their hungry needs with anything” simply experience the longing of not being able to get what they want. And after living there they can look for their own way to “feed” the need. Maybe this is the big idea of ​​the Higher Powers - to create a space where not everything can be given at once, where you need to create, invent, invent something, where “excess energy” can be -to invest, develop, transform.... otherwise we would still be living in caves, breeding and hunting... PS After a while, I met my client - renewed, flying. She shared that she paints pictures, lost weight, and almost forgot about bronchitis. “After our meeting, I decided,” she admitted, “that if I cannot love a specific person and receive mutual love, I will express love to the World! There is so much Tenderness and Love in me!»
