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Wonderful people come to me. Talented, bright, beautiful in their individuality and desire to change something, to embark on a journey through the Universe of their inner life. We begin to explore aspirations and it turns out that most are simply obsessed with the idea of ​​​​increasing self-esteem. For the quality of teamwork, it is very important to understand what meaning this task contains. High self-esteem has become a modern cult, a great goal, with the achievement of which the world promises to open all doors. And as if the rains will stop being wet, some people will stop being unfriendly, there will be no mistakes at all, and the Universe will present only pleasant surprises. The idea of ​​high self-esteem befuddles many minds. People find themselves in a cycle of chasing it. What this cycle looks like: It’s easy to see that it begins and ends with an opinion. “I’m not good enough” is nothing more than a separate view, a subjective assessment. We will never be able to objectively determine our price, since the evaluation criteria will never be objective. This is why the goal of increasing self-esteem often does not lead to any results. A person remains hostage to opinions about himself, about his actions, qualities, actions. Very often it is also the opinion of others. A scheme aimed at satisfying hunger for love only intensifies this hunger. By and large, if we treat this phenomenon as an opinion, we give ourselves permission to choose and change this opinion. To feel good about ourselves, we can choose to feel positive about ourselves, no matter the circumstances. You don't need high self-esteem. You need self-acceptance. Psychotherapist Kai Born, in his work “The Problem of Self-Esteem,” emphasizes accepting oneself as a whole person with all the strengths and weaknesses and with all the problems. Self-awareness and self-confidence are essential components. Self-awareness: I am aware of myself, I am aware of what I want and can, I am aware of what is happening inside me Self-confidence: I set goals for myself and actively pursue them, I express my desires in a proportionate manner, I essentially express criticism, I am proportionate I accept criticism, I am free and at ease in contact with others.
