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According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is a state of a person characterized not only by the absence of diseases or physical defects, but also by complete physical, mental and social well-being. In psychological science there is a corresponding direction - health psychology. This is a relatively new direction, although ideas about the leading role of the soul in the state of the body, albeit in various manifestations (starting with magic), accompanied human life almost always. The concept of psychological health was introduced into modern psychology by I. V. Dubrovina. It lies in the fact that a person finds a worthy, in his opinion, place in the world he is exploring and experiencing. I. V. Dubrovina identifies the following criteria: – mental health as a result of full mental and personal development; – a person’s awareness of his own characteristics and qualities of mental and personal development; – attitude towards perceived mental and personal characteristics and qualities; – the humanistic vector of a person and his emerging worldview.O. V. Khukhlaeva believes that an essential factor for describing psychological health is “harmony”. This is a “balance” between the various components of personality: emotional and intellectual, somatic and mental; between man and society, nature, space. Other authors identify the following criteria for psychological health: developed reflection, resistance to stress, the ability to find inner strength in a difficult life situation, a wide range of emotional and behavioral manifestations of the individual, self-acceptance and the ability to cope with negative emotions without harm to others , “self-objectivity” as a clear idea of ​​one’s strengths and weaknesses, the presence of a value system. Here it is also worth adding about the presence of emotional intelligence, since it is not enough to be able to control negative emotions without causing harm to others. It is equally important not to harm yourself by suppressing and avoiding the feelings that arise. What is needed is the skill of understanding the cause of these feelings, their sensation in the body and acceptance. In our opinion, a psychologically healthy person is a happy person. After all, if you turn to the dictionary, one of the definitions of happiness presented there is the feeling and state of complete, supreme satisfaction. How is complete satisfaction achieved? - when an individual evaluates all of the above criteria of psychological health at a high level, as his own, relating to his life and personality. Thus, we can conclude that there is still no common understanding of the phenomenon of psychological health. Each author interprets it in his own way, identifies components, criteria and models of psychological health, based on the theoretical paradigm to which he is more inclined. Purpose of the study Approbation of the methodology “Individual model of psychological health” by A. V. Kozlov. Research methodology The empirical basis of the study is represented by students Samara State Social and Pedagogical University. The study involved 19 1st and 4th year full-time and part-time students aged from 18 to 40 years old in the field of “social psychology.” We consider the “Individual Model of Psychological Health” methodology proposed by A.V. Kozlov. To highlight his structure of psychological health, A. V. Kozlov used a psychosemantic approach. As a result of the study, he identified 10 areas of psychological health: mental balance, prosocial orientation, physical well-being, humanistic position, the desire to be oneself, creative self-expression, family well-being, spirituality, goal orientation, intellectual improvement. The final version of the “Individual Model of Psychological Health” method consists of 86 statements, which are distributed on 8 scales: StV - strategic vector; PV -prosocial vector; YAV - I-vector; TV - creative vector; DV - spiritual vector; IV - intellectual vector SV - family vector; GV - humanistic vector. Discussion of results Using the key proposed by A. V. Kozlov, we processed the data and obtained the results on 8 scales and used factor analysis to identify the main factors that determine the main characteristics. Factor analysis identified four main factors instead of 8, determining the main vectors of psychological health proposed by the author. And this is the first difference from the structure of the individual model of psychological health. Of these, strategic (StV), I-vector (JV), creative (TV), spiritual (DV) and family (SV) have significant variable values. Let us consider the first factor as the most significant according to the obtained values, which describes a larger number of subjects ( factor weight 1.708, variance – 21%). Let's take the three most significant indicators, which relate to the strategic (StV), prosocial (PV) and intellectual vectors (IV). Taking into account the directions of each significant vector, we can identify some distinctive features of the subjects in this factor, combining these three vectors, namely: planning, leadership qualities, self-realization, determination, confidence, active life position, efficiency, communication skills. Let us give the first factor the conditional name “I am a leader.” The next factor (factor weight 1.678, dispersion 21%), unlike the first, is bipolar, since when considering the three most significant indicators, family (SV) and humanistic vectors (HV) have a minus sign, and intellectual (IV) have a plus sign. It can be assumed that some of the students surveyed have contradictions about which vector to follow: on the one hand, the intellectual (IV), in other words, this is the desire for self-development, self-improvement, on the other hand, the family (SV) and humanistic (HV), which means emphasizing family values ​​and traditions, caring for others, the value of human life. Let us denote the second factor as “I am a person” and “Me and my environment.” In the third factor (factor weight 1.526, variance 19%) we also obtained bipolar values: spiritual (SV) and creative vectors (TV) – with a plus sign, humanistic (GV) – with a minus sign. Consequently, 19% of respondents are also faced with a choice between religious and cultural values, development of internal potential, creative realization and humanistic orientation. In this case, factor names such as “My inner world” and, similar to the previous one, “Me and my environment” would be appropriate. And, finally, the fourth factor (factor weight 1.366, variance – 17%). Here, statistically significant indicators also have different signs. At one pole with a plus sign are the Self-vector (JV) and the prosocial (PV), and at the opposite pole are the creative (TV). Distinctive features of the first two vectors: self-development, self-identity, realization, search for purpose, communication skills, etc. In the third vector, respectively, the disclosure of creative potential. Let's denote the last factor as “My purpose” and “My inner world.” The values ​​of factor analysis can also be influenced by some characteristics of the sample. Taking into account the age range of respondents (from 18 to 40 years), it can be assumed that these conditions are one of the reasons for the bipolarity of three factors out of the four obtained. For example, for an 18-year-old student, the family (SV) and humanistic vectors (HV) are at a low level, and the creative vector (TV) is at a high level. While a student at the age of 40 received high scores in the strategic (StV) and prosocial vector (PV), but low in the creative (TV). As a result, we received five directions characterizing the identified factors that combine 8 vectors of psychological health , proposed by Kozlov A.V.: “I am a leader” (1 factor) “I am a personality” (2 factor) “Me and my environment” (2 and 3 factors) “My inner world” (3 and 4 factors) “ My purpose" (4
