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He and She. Their relationship began on the Internet. She didn't believe that this could happen. But miracles, it turns out, do happen! This couple is old. They are 60+, but the depth of their feeling seems to only increase from this. Both have been widowers for many years. They live in different countries, thousands of kilometers apart, and speak different languages. They both have an adult son... She lived a difficult life, at the age of 40 she was left without a husband, her main goal was to put her son on solid footing (he was 17 years old at that time). Her only but reliable support in life at that time was her mother. Mom always understood (even without words), mom warmed me with her smile, made it clear that everything would be fine, simply by hugging or stroking her head with a warm hand. And the mother looked with smart, understanding eyes and thought about the fate of her daughter. More than once she uttered the words: “Daughter, how I want a loving, reliable man to be next to you!” She smiled in response: “Mom, where does such a man come from? I don’t go where men are, I work with children and online.” Mom smiled quietly in response and continued to dream of a man worthy of her daughter... ... Six months ago, mom passed away. The world has become dull, tense, frightening with its uncertainty. To get away from sadness for her mother, She plunged headlong into work. Recently I dreamed of my mother wrapped in warm clothes covered with frost on top. She looked at her daughter with loving eyes and with determination went somewhere on urgent matters... By the way, He lives in a northern country... She had many fans on social networks: some started with a compliment and offered friendship, others, winking, offered more... She never even considered the possibility of such a relationship and always blacklisted such accounts. One day I read another message from an unfamiliar man with a compliment... Oh, miracle! She didn’t delete him, on the contrary, she replied, inquired about his account and... felt like a kindred spirit nearby. The relationship developed at lightning speed in the well-known genre of “falling in love”: I want to communicate more often, be closer, know more about each other... There are plans to meet. Together it’s not just interesting, but fascinating: you feel very close to a soul mate who understands you, supports you, instills confidence and the desire to live! What is this - the providence of the Almighty or the efforts of Her caring Angel? What do you think, dear readers, is there a future for this relationship? After all, they live in different parts of the planet, speak different languages... a harmful worm in their head tells them: “there is a lot of deception and fraud in the world...”. What do you say, dear ones? I would be grateful for your opinions, responses, subscription) It’s easy to sign up for a consultation: by sending a message by phone 89170252242 (WhatsApp, Telegram) or on the website B17. All the best to you! Sincerely, Natalia Fomina, psychologist, author of programs for relaxation, increasing self-esteem, etc..
