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Each of us, in one way or another, has encountered periods of life when our own existence is especially acutely perceived. The most frequent in the memories of patients are the periods of adolescence, the transition from the family perception of the world around us to our own. Next is the age of adolescence, when we are trying to find a mate and realize its necessity. And the period from 30 to 33 years, at this moment we overestimate our own achievements. In psychology, such points of the most acute perception of ourselves are called age-related crises. Crisis (ancient Greek ΚρЇσις) - a decision, a turning point, a revolution, a time of transition, a turning point, a state in which existing methods of achieving goals become insufficient or completely unacceptable. Processes occurring in the psyche associated with the need to change behavior patterns, such as how those who have become less suitable or not at all effective for achieving goals, building interpersonal relationships, Crises accompany each of us from the moment we are born. Crises can be normative or non-normative. In some people they occur more noticeably, in others less. Normative and non-normative crises do not have clear age boundaries; in psychology they are determined by conditional age. During periods of age-related crises, sharp leaps in development occur in a child’s development. In adulthood, during periods of crisis, a person begins to place higher demands on himself and be more critical of his own life than at other times. Today’s article will talk about normative crises. Each age-related crisis is characterized by a special psychological development. Psychological development will be formed based on hereditary, cultural and personal factors. The fundamental factors in the development of the psyche are the social environment in which the psyche is formed. In cases where the family radically changes the society of residence, internal conflicts may arise due to the difference in the requirements imposed by this society. In such situations, it is worth contacting a psychologist for both adults and children. Regardless of geographic, ethnic and social factors, psychology usually distinguishes the following periods of age-related development of the human psyche. Prenatal crisis The period of prenatal development is the period from conception to birth. Despite the fact that the child has not yet been born, the period of maturation already influences the formation of the future psyche. Important factors include: the condition, age of the mother and father; maturity in making the decision to give birth to a child; the emotional environment in which the expectant mother is; the physiological characteristics of the mother; living conditions, nutrition; and many other less significant, but no less influential factors. Crisis newborns 0-2 months During the period of birth, the child experiences enormous overload, and this is associated not only with the passage of the birth canal, but also with the beginning of an independent physiological life. During this period, the newborn loses a significant amount of weight. The habitat changes from water to air, and all internal organs are reconfigured. During this period, it is important to satisfy the baby’s needs as quickly as possible. Crisis of 1 year During this period, basic trust/distrust in the world is formed. For a favorable passage of the crisis, it is necessary that the adult respond to the needs of the child, and this is, first of all, emotional contact, feeding, changing clothes, studying the world around him. During this period, the baby should receive as much physical contact as possible. Crisis of 3 years The crisis of 3 years is perhaps one of the most difficult crises in a child’s life. This is the formation and understanding of oneself as a separate personality from adults. The child does not particularly communicate his intentions to the adult and becomes independent and “autonomous” in making decisions. The child begins to skillfully use speech and asks endless questions, very often without even listening to the answers to them. Character, independence, and the need to defend one’s own are revealed."I". Children at this age are the most willful and obstinate. Interesting fact. If you go to a nursery, middle or high school group in a kindergarten, you will see groups of children doing something. When you go to the three-year-olds, you will find them disbanded throughout the territory, each busy with his own business. A three-year-old child, remembering the swing in the neighboring yard, will get ready and go without telling anyone about it. Crisis of 7 years During this period, the child learns social and gender roles that are new to his understanding. The child identifies with the parent of the same gender. The behavior of this parent in the family begins to be adopted, and this manifests itself not only in the family, but also in the outside world. During this period, children's spontaneity and impulsiveness of actions are replaced by intellectual motivation of actions. Emotional states are not just spontaneous, but acquire meaning. This is an important period of social acceptance/non-acceptance. A child goes to school, where he receives his first social experience, when he and his actions are evaluated by other adults and peers. This is very difficult; during this period it is especially important to maintain the child’s self-esteem at an adequate level. Interesting fact. Probably, most mothers have noticed that at some point the child’s clothes suddenly become short in the sleeve length. Psychologists also paid attention to this and found a relationship between such a jump and the child’s physiological readiness for school. Philippine test to determine the child’s physiological readiness for school: extend your right hand up; bend it over your head; reach the ear with the fingers of your bent hand (with your right hand reach the left ear ); then stretch your left hand up; bend it over your head; reach the ear with the fingers of your bent hand (with your left hand reach the right ear). If the child easily reaches his ear, the test is passed. You need to carefully monitor the correct execution, especially for girls, they are the ones who manage bend, bend, move your hand closer to the back of the head and much more. Adolescent crisis 12 - 15 years The crisis of adolescence is more protracted and acute. During this period, there is a separation from the family, a reassessment of values ​​between those instilled by the family and those offered by the teenage environment/society. Against the backdrop of puberty, there is a strong release of hormones, which has a very strong impact on the teenager’s psyche, his reaction to criticism and, in general, any comments addressed to himself or his friends. You should not take the position of “if you get mad, everything will pass.” The child should devote a lot of time at this moment, but as an independent adult. Otherwise, your mission during this transitional period may be carried out by another person who, most likely, will pursue his own interests, and your child may suffer mentally, physiologically, and financially. Crisis of 17 years During this period, young people are faced with two important tasks. One of them is the choice of profession. In fact, choosing a profession is a foundation for the future, and the more successful the choice, the more successful and self-sufficient your future life will be. The second, no less, and perhaps more important, task is choosing a partner. Of course, such relationships rarely continue, but this is an important experience in forming a couple, on which a person will later rely. The crisis of 30 years The crisis of 30 years is very often called a crisis of revaluation of the meaning of life. During this period, a person searches for the meaning of his existence, often devaluing his past achievements. This is a psychological mental transition from youth to maturity. There is a reassessment of life values, the consequences of which are introspection and critical revision of oneself as an individual. The crisis of 30 years occurs with varying intensity in almost every healthy person, regardless of whether or not the person is fulfilled in life. During this period, primary existential thoughts arise. The crisis of 40 years The crisis of 40 years is also called the “last chance.” A person once again analyzes his life, his achievements, in the process of which a new one is developed..
