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Now I’m observing such a phenomenon in RuNet. Beginning coaches and consultants “go out into the public eye.” Now many centers train coaches and consultants. Some of the newcomers “disappoint themselves” - they don’t dare to start working or they work for free. Some do start working and promoting themselves on the Internet. We need clients and need to gain practical experience. Honor and praise to them for going out and starting to do something. Today I’m talking about HOW they do it. The way this very novice specialist works shows who he studied with. He presents the material in the same way as his master, licking words, figures of speech, names of products, style of behavior. This puzzled me at first, but now I’m already bored. What am I doing? I just close the presentation, video, letter (it doesn’t matter), I already know WHAT this specialist will tell me. And most importantly, HOW he will do it. And the point here is not my show-off. The point is that every beginner has information very characteristic of beginners written on his forehead. Namely: • “Well, buy from me, please, I’m good, I’ll do everything for you” • “ Oh, I’m afraid, I’m afraid they won’t buy anything again.”• “Look at me - I’m so smart. I learned from this Guru, you should be happy that you stumbled over me. Listen to me - I’ll teach you now.”• “Is that why you don’t buy anything? Fools - you do not see your happiness. Well, quickly sign up for a consultation with me!” I don’t want to pay and overpay that coach who hasn’t found himself yet. Yes, I haven’t found myself yet, I don’t have my own charisma, my own style of work, while this newcomer has a great desire to assert himself, including financially, while there are more fears than the benefits he provides. The coach's fears and limitations are readable and visible. Yes, everyone wants to earn money. Coaching is an expensive platform, expensive training, you want to “recapture” this money. And here there is a conflict on the surface: a novice coach takes his first steps, tries to sell his services EXPENSIVELY, this is exactly what he strived for when he went to study coaching. This is exactly what venerable coaches teach their students. But this newcomer, who is presenting himself for high checks, may have knowledge with which he can already be useful, but this knowledge is still permeated with the fears and limitations of the coach himself. No matter how much a coach copies his master, he is not yet a Master himself, he is a trainee, a remake. It can be seen and heard. The coach is still afraid of the client, afraid of the client’s resistance, his inconvenient questions that will surely arise, the coach still has little guts to cope with all this. And he names the price for his services very high, almost no different from the price at which his Master works. The personality of the trainer (coach) with whom I work is important to me. I pay not only for a set of knowledge, systems, chips, algorithms that I want to learn at a given time. I also pay for my emotional safety: I don’t want to see the beginner’s show-offs, I don’t want to help him cope with his fears - I’m a client, I need help and support, and I need a Master who already knows his worth. Such a Master is respectful both to himself and to me, it is safe and reliable with him, time is spent on work, and not on living through the emotions that are still seething in a novice coach (like a teenager). The high cost of the services of a mature coach - yes, this is for I understand, I have no resistance to this. The high cost of a beginner’s services is what causes bewilderment and I lose interest in this specialist. You'd pay dearly for slightly underripe strawberries. Yes, you want vitamins, but you will choose the largest and ripe berry among all the possible options and pay dearly only for it. It’s the same with coaches and consultants: as long as you’re “green,” you can’t be expensive. Mature! Many coaches have completed many hours of personal therapy and are proud of it: “I’m well-trained, I have tons of hours of personal therapy!” This is cool. But it is not enough, as practice shows. It turns out that additional therapy is needed - namely, maintenance therapy for!
