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Success in any business begins with learning. Or it never starts, leaving you broken if the training was unsuccessful. In this case, you can blame anyone: from yourself to the “world behind the scenes.” However, the benefit is exactly a penny. It’s better to thoroughly understand how to learn quickly and efficiently. Of course, the answer should be sought where mastery (as a result of successful training) in any field has been an object of sincere worship and even deification for thousands of years - in China. In this article, we will explore the four jade pillars of successful learning that are celebrated in the Middle Kingdom. The essence of each factor will be explained using specific examples from the world of practical psychology. I. Fa - The method is like a path: either it will lead straight to the goal in the shortest possible time, or it will meander for a long time and lead the wrong way - into an impassable wilderness, into a dead end. The Fa determines exactly how you will achieve success and mastery. For example, you master the elements of practical psychology as a professional or an amateur. You can act at random, without any method at all - pick up fragmentary knowledge from books and forums. Or get involved in a closed method that will tragically distort your worldview and drive your mind into the harshest limits. Or maybe you will be lucky to choose a decent method of teaching psychology, and you will have peace, happiness, clients and money. Another example, you dream of learning how to stay slim, maintain a normal, healthy weight. And again, you can: pull dozens of contradictory recommendations from everywhere, cling to a newfangled (but terribly unhealthy!) diet, or master a really working comprehensive method of losing and maintaining weight. II. Lu - Companion, partner - husband/wife or one of your close friends. In general, someone with whom you are in the same harness throughout life. This person’s attitude towards you in general and towards your training in particular largely determines whether your idea will turn out to be a success or failure. Practical psychology: It’s one thing when both spouses are fans of self-development, go (both together and separately) to trainings, read smart books and articles. And it’s a completely different compote if the husband can’t stand all this “harmful whim,” he scoffs at him, limits him in time and money, or even simply doesn’t let him go to training or see a psychologist. By the way, there is a secret way out of this situation - to consult online. Weight loss: How long will you last if your whole family happily overeats on fatty fast food, rests exclusively by lying in front of the TV on the sofa, mocks your attempts to lose weight and regularly programs you for failure? Therefore, , it is extremely important to choose the right life partner and create a successful environment! III. Tsai - Money - allows you to pay a teacher, buy educational materials, eat something and somewhere to sleep until the “prom”. Practical psychology: It is in this area that studying for free guarantees serious disappointments. Weight loss: Without a sufficient supply of treasured “ Tugriks" you will have to stuff yourself with cheap junk stuffed with chemicals, forget about fitness and exercise equipment and, in principle, not lose weight, because otherwise you will have to buy your entire wardrobe again. IV. Di - Place, circumstances - many probably remember from detective stories: “Where and under what circumstances...” It is really very important where you happen to study nuclear physics or international relations: in Moscow or in the middle of the tundra. Circumstances can be very bizarre: social origin (working class or academic), health (candidate in rowing or congenital disability), apartment (five steps from work or more than three hours in traffic jams), etc. Practical psychology: Yes Long live the Internet, conquering space and many circumstances! Weight loss: Imagine you work in a confectionery factory. Or maybe your job requires you to walk a lot. So, no matter what business you want to master, first check the strength of each of the four supports!!!
