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(continuation of the article https://www.b17.ru/article/66734/) Dreams, in their purest form, represent the internal psychological reality of a person, which is why they attracted psychologists and became the subject of research in the human sciences. Sigmund Freud identified five common points view of dreams at one time, all of them were reflected in his theory: 1. Dreams are a special state of the soul freed from the oppression of material reality. According to Freud, during sleep, mental images are freed from the pressure of the displacing forces of consciousness and begin to reach the level of awareness.2. These are desires that accumulate during the day, but cannot manifest themselves. Freud describes the simplest example of this case - a boy wanted to eat strawberries during the day, but his mother forbade him; at night he dreams of eating them. The same thing happens with sexual desires, which have a special meaning in psychoanalysis.3. Dreams are the increased work of the brain to process information - for example, memory consolidation. He sees intensive work in the work of three mechanisms of distortion of images - condensation, displacement and secondary processing, turning images of the unconscious into a kind of symbolic picture. 4. Dreams are meaningless reactions of the sleeping mind to vague signals from the external environment. Dreams have a protective function, allowing a person not to be awakened by external influences and maintain sleep. For example, while sleeping, a child dreams of firefighters pouring hoses on a fire, and in the morning it turns out that the boy wet himself. The dream helped him not to wake up, not allowing him to realize what was really happening. Also, by analogy, it happens with unacceptable images hidden in the unconscious.5. And the last one is associated with the folk practice of dream interpretation, which sees them as symbols of future events. This is the symbolic language created by condensation, displacement and secondary processing, which dreams speak in order to convey important information. To summarize, we can say that according to Freud, dream images are passive energy, which, under the pressure of instincts, is like steam under a lid on a fire , strives to break out. The therapeutic effect of working with it lies in overcoming the obstacles created by psychological defense to understand the true content of dream images. In other words, open this lid and let steam escape. A person dreams during the paradoxical phase of sleep (REM sleep). The rapid movements that the eyes make when the eyelids are closed at this moment indicate a large number of images quickly running past the person’s inner gaze. The paradoxical sleep phase appears in animals as the organization of their psyche becomes more complex, but there are exceptions - dolphins. It is believed that they completely lack it. At the same time, in humans, the phase takes up 40-50% of the dream, but with age it is reduced by almost half. At the same time, it is known that sleep disturbances often occur with age, the so-called senile insomnia, when a person sleeps little and often wakes up, plunging into sleep very superficially. At the same time, if a person is woken up in this phase, the person will be able to tell the dream and, if this is done for a long time, then severe stress develops and health deteriorates significantly. Such experiments on animals even led to their death. It is also known that people whose REM sleep phase decreases cope worse with creative tasks. This means that it is possible that their resolution occurs in dreams. Although it has also been established that a solution can come after a dream, even if it is not connected in any way, the problem is in any case obvious. Freud did not describe the ability to solve problems, and not just mask them, apparently because for him the unconscious was only a dump of “sins” expelled under the pressure of the superego. However, his student, Carl Gustav Jung, treated the unconscious differently - he saw in it a living resource of the psyche, having its own nature, its own way of processing information (figurativecharacter), which explains the symbolism of the dream. Therefore, Jung really noticed the possibility of solving problems of personality development with the help of dreams. Now this mental function is explained by the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for parallel processing of information, free from speech activity or from the logic of thinking, which is used by the left hemisphere, which is responsible for the sequential processing of information. The right hemisphere is capable of creating images, combining different information into one whole and synthesizing elements that would cause contradiction in the left hemisphere and internal conflict. As you know, cognitive conflict is widely used in hypnosis to turn off conscious control and put attention into a trance state in which a person is able to contact unconscious images. Of course, in everyday life we ​​most often rely on logic and rational thinking, as we observe the patterns of material nature, as well as social institutions that structure life and its thinking in time using the syntax of language. However, during sleep, attention is immersed in the internal space psyche. Motor activity and sensitivity to external stimuli are inhibited. Neurophysiology has discovered neurons that are activated during sleep to inhibit motor neurons. Disabling them in dogs led to the fact that during the paradoxical phase they could begin to actively move and move in space, and walk in their sleep. And this clearly suggests that animals and people exist during dreams as in a virtual reality, as real to their senses as the everyday reality with which we are familiar while awake. A person lives two lives, one born of his imagination and the other created by the perception of reality. Both psyches certainly exist simultaneously, but their presence increases or decreases under different conditions. The activity of the right hemisphere psyche increases during dreams, trance, meditation, hypnosis and moments of creative insight. It is interesting that some people intentionally use the creative resource of dreams and draw inspiration to solve current problems. It is even customary for us to say: “I need to sleep with this thought,” since it is known that after sleep some unexpected solution to the problem may appear. As they also say: “the morning is wiser than the evening.” Tom Edison, for example, falling asleep, picked up a weight, which, at the moment of weakening of the muscles during sleep, was supposed to fall and awaken him at the moment when he began to see a dream and could remember it and possibly find a solution to the problem there. Indeed, the right-hemisphere psyche can be called unconscious and basically is so, since most people pay more attention to another reality - everyday reality, where they prefer to use logic and ignore the irrational part of the psyche. Which is capable of frightening them, at least with its chaotic nature, capable of bringing to life, as it seems to them, madness - something that will contradict the norms and laws known to them. After all, in a dream a person can do the most illegal things - walk on the ceiling, move through time, change gender, kill and sleep with his mother, and so on. Everything that does not fit into the schemes will be creatively processed in our dreams and turned into a realistic image, experienced in a completely real way. Which, in the end, probably makes it possible to free oneself from these images on the physical level. Psychology and humanity know through ancient practices such as Vipassana that the body constantly reacts to unconscious images. These physical reactions in the form of muscle tension or other more subtle physiological processes, which were supposed to serve the embodiment of our desires, the desire to do something, remain suppressed and continue to exist in the form of muscle tension or chronic processes, which then develop into chronic diseases. That is, activity
