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Try to notice how you resist and do not let life pass through you. When a person has established contact with himself, he perceives the world around him and other people in a pure, undistorted form. If a person is afraid of his manifestations, then emotions and feelings destabilize, cause fear and a desire to avoid any of their manifestations in the body. A person restrains natural movements, imitates self-expression, destroying his liveliness. Breathing is distorted and the self-regulatory process that is inherent in every organism is disrupted. The body begins to shrink, go into defense, support is lost and hence psycho-emotional stability decreases. We need to understand that the greater the liveliness, the easier it is for us to cope with increased anxiety in everyday life, the more vivid and meaningful the interaction with others. What manifestations can signal this: ⏺Evasion of eye contact (eyes allow us to come into contact with reality, contact with other people). What I see, I let into myself and express myself through eye contact. Pain in the head and neck may occur from tension in the eye muscles. ⏺Slouching, shoulders move forward, covering the chest. This protective position of the body pinches the diaphragm and blocks the ability to openly contact with people, deprives the possibility of sensory experience, leaving only a superficial one. A person cannot fully experience the events of life, often does not attach importance to important moments, has a neutral attitude, because of this there is a feeling of emptiness when nothing seems to have happened, and the person is intolerant of his “icy” life. ⏺Unstable body position, which causes pain in the back and lower back. When a person does not have stable supports at the body level, then his psyche is unsteady. It is necessary to build supports first through the tangible, and then layer them on what cannot be touched, otherwise a person may get stuck in fantasies and then the supports will be imaginary. Try noticing how you avoid contact with others. When avoiding, it is important to ask yourself the question: “Why am I doing this?” In this way, you can even protect yourself from pleasant emotions and feelings when, when in contact with another, you are faced with uncertainty, there is no understanding of what to do with the responses that arise. Fundamental exercises that allow you to gain new experience of contact with yourself and other people: Exercise “Eye Contact” Ask a loved one to participate. Sit opposite each other and maintain eye contact. Keep track of what begins to happen to you. Embarrassment may arise from the presence of another, fear of evaluation and condemnation may open, tenderness and awe from contact may appear. Exercise brings out new sensations that you may have been running away from. You will be surprised how much hidden things can be discovered. Exercise “Catch the rhythm of your breathing” Sit on a chair so that your feet have support in the form of the floor. Close your eyes and begin to breathe as usual, do not try to force inhalation or exhalation, just observe and remember the frequency of inhaled and exhaled air. After a couple of minutes, open your eyes and analyze whether your inhalation and exhalation are different, how many seconds does each last? We remember that inhalation is responsible for mobilization and increases muscle tension, and exhalation calms and helps relax muscles. This way you can understand what state you are in, what prevails in your life at the moment. Exercise “Magnet” for stability Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart and pressed firmly to the floor (better done without shoes), knees slightly bent. Close your eyes and imagine that the floor, like a magnet, begins to attract your feet. It becomes impossible to break away, he holds on steadily. Feel that no matter what happens, the magnet continues to attract and hold you. Exercise allows you to physically feel the support under your feet, reduce anxiety and increase stress resistance. These exercises provide an opportunity to get in touch with yourself and grasp how you: 8-909-255-63-67
