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Let's figure out in this article how to understand if your beloved is cheating on you? And what signs might there be that will give it away, what you should pay attention to. Well, then it’s up to you to decide what to do with her. “Once” Treason that happened only once. As such, she had no goal of having a lover. It was just sex for once and that’s it. What could be the reasons for her betrayal: - Revenge Maybe she found out about your betrayal before and, in order to take revenge and hurt you, she went to great lengths. Or you had a big fight and the words said that you were breaking up. You insulted her, humiliated her and the like. And then her resentment took over. And then after a couple of days you make up. - Temptation Or forbidden fruit. Perhaps after drinking somewhere at a corporate party, she succumbed to temptation or in some fun company where you were not around. Maybe one of her colleagues has been after her for a long time, so it happened in a cheerful mood with the thought that no one would know about her “little” prank, because it happened once. You, of course, can feel that something is wrong here and try to find out from the woman. But she will never tell you, women know how to hide and are not bad actresses. Even if you start torturing her, she won’t say. The only thing he can say is if he no longer has feelings for you and you are breaking up, and then he will hardly say either, no one wants to tarnish his name. Is it possible to understand that there has been betrayal? In this case, it is not very simple. Unless for some reason indirect signs, for example, she has become closed off from you, she walks around sad, thoughtful. Or, on the contrary, she began to pay too much attention and affection to you, because she feels guilty towards you. Permanent lover Everything is probably clear here, she has a permanent man with whom she cheats and does it on a regular basis. But for now he doesn’t leave you, or maybe he’s thinking about this issue. Here, of course, it’s easier to understand whether he’s cheating or not. The most important thing is to watch her. What can give her away? - She is always in a great mood, elevated, so to speak. - She began to take even more careful care of herself, to do more different “beauty” procedures. - Some new words or phrases may appear in her speech, which she from him absorbs and doesn’t even notice. - She may call her by another name or some kind of affectionate word that she has not previously called “bunny, cat, sunshine,” etc. That’s what she can call him, and since she doesn’t have time to change her mind, she calls you the same. She doesn’t leave you because she’s comfortable with you, you play your role well, for example, a father or breadwinner in the family. Or she’s already thinking about leaving and soon you will find out about it. The reasons why she does this have long been known and are as old as time. - you don’t pay attention, she doesn’t feel desired, you don’t have sex or it’s rare and just for show, etc. Passage yard Such women cheat with different men, there is no specific one. How to understand, it’s simple, she always has her phone with her and is locked, you don’t know the password for it, and it doesn’t tell you. If she's not at home. Either he doesn’t answer your calls or messages or does so after a long period of time. She can be driven home by men you don't know. If she’s completely fearless, then if they give her gifts, she brings them into the house, and her friends, relatives, colleagues tell you yes. 4. Moral betrayal This is the betrayal that has not yet happened physically, but in her head she has already lost it and she she's ready. It happens when a girl begins to lose interest in you, the feelings have passed. Pay attention to your woman’s past, if you know about it, if she cheated on her partners in all past relationships, or she had many sexual casual relationships, look at her surroundings who are her friends? And how does she generally feel about cheating and what does she think about it?.
