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“...- And who is the “warrior of light”? “You know it yourself,” she answered with a smile. - Someone who is able to comprehend the miracle of life, fight to the end for what he believes in, and hear the ringing of bells coming from the depths of the sea. He never considered himself a warrior of light. And the woman seemed to read his mind and said: “Everyone is capable of this. And although no one considers himself a warrior of light, every person can become one...”Excerpt from Paulo Coelho’s book “The Book of the Warrior of Light” Have you ever wondered how many warriors of light are among us? People who easily accept the unpredictability of life, who are worthy of their unique destiny, who seek their path and find it? You’ll probably have to strain your memory hard to name at least one or two. Well, if you did it easily, then you can simply envy that there are such people in your environment. For the most part, there are people living among us who can conventionally be called “light warriors”, “dark warriors” and “others”, who are neither themselves nor people. Light warriors are people who are guided in all their actions by the thought “how can I do this while providing the greatest benefit to others?” Dark warriors are their opposite, and they constantly ask the question “how can I do this while providing the greatest benefit to myself?” .Others are people who cannot give anything to themselves or others. A bright warrior, who is also an altruist, does everything for others and completely forgets about himself. He gives a lot, but takes very little in return. He shuts down when it comes to remuneration for his labors. As a result, he has much less opportunity to do something for others than he could have. The dark warrior, who is also an egoist, does everything for himself, forgetting about others. He wants to take a lot from life without giving anything in return. As a result, he himself does not have much, and he cannot and does not want to help other people. The other, he is a victim, floats with the flow of life, grumbles, complains about the hardships of life, but at the same time, having a slave mindset, is not able to get out of the vicious circle, continues its “Groundhog Day”. For the most part, in our real lives we are both dark and light warriors, and sometimes others. At one time we do something, something for ourselves, something for others, and something, as they say, neither for ourselves nor for others. We are trying to somehow maintain a balance between our altruistic actions and selfish ones. And when this doesn’t work out, we fall into the victim state. As a result, scattering and wasting our energy, not knowing our main goal in life, our personal mission, we do not notice how our life passes, we do not have time to realize and feel its uniqueness. Is there another way? Yes. The path of the warrior of light. Following this path, you can awaken from psychological sleep, defeat the inner darkness, begin to appreciate the magic of life, admit your defeats and not stop, live to the fullest, be able to take and give and, most importantly, discover your own warrior within yourself Sveta.
