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From the author: original article: Most people who seek psychotherapy sessions believe that they are weak, that their vitality has dried up, and they find it difficult to look at the world and its problems. But this is quite the opposite. Dare to look at yourself and your imperfections is a real feat. Many of us don't want to admit that we are often in need of something: we crave love relationships, personal growth, stability in society, financial security and much more. Thus, much of our self-exploration focuses on our needs and opportunities to avoid life's pitfalls. Sometimes we are weak. When our child is sick and we cannot help him in any way, we feel every injection the doctor gives him, and at the same time his pain. Mental exhaustion does not give us the opportunity to respond to those who are not fair to us. Damage cannot always be prevented. All we have to do is admit that we have failed. There is no need to pretend that this is not the case. One must be able to face the truth of our human existence. Acknowledge your vulnerability when you take on your opponent's aggression. Speak calmly that it hurts you to hear this - this will deflect anger and open the door to more peaceful dialogue and cooperation. This will allow us to avoid the illusion of protection and blocking the truth of the realities of our lives. Before we try to do anything, we must first realize our shortcomings. By examining our weaknesses, we have the opportunity to move past them. Everyone values ​​compassion, kindness and gentleness. By acknowledging your vulnerability, you are empowered to be compassionate towards others. Every feeling is temporary. There will be no feelings of weakness and incapacity. It's all part of the human experience. The sooner we can accept this, the easier it will be for us to move forward..
