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Agoraphobia is a consequence of an anxiety disorder (panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, irritable bowel syndrome, social phobia), fear of wide streets and spaces. Fear of being far from home or alone in a shopping center, metro, taxi or unknown area. According to DSM 5, symptoms must be present for at least 6 months. The main fear is that it will become bad and no one will help, and that you can die from a panic attack (this is the most common fear). A person begins to avoid the place where he experienced increased vegetative activity (symptoms) or stops leaving the house altogether. It is important to understand: panic attacks are absolutely safe for the body. Our body doesn’t care if you’re jogging or having a panic attack, it makes no difference. It's a matter of your interpretation. When you can explain to yourself the nature of the occurrence of this or that symptom, then it does not scare you. For example: I went for a run, my pulse is 180 and tachycardia, shortness of breath, etc. - this is due to jogging, this is ok. And when you have vegetative symptoms (tachycardia, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, a feeling of incomplete inspiration, a lump in the throat, etc.) and you cannot explain to yourself the nature of their occurrence, you think that you are having a heart attack and you are dying - you get scared, but your fear releases adrenaline, the reaction appears to run and save yourself. And if you start avoiding the place where you experienced increased vegetation or panic attacks, you will not be able to get rid of them. The fact is that we have an amygdala in our brain, it remembers places, smells and vegetative manifestations in which adrenaline was released. This means that a lot of factors can stimulate you to have a panic attack. Places, smells and vegetative manifestations. And the most important thing is that even if you start to avoid the place, this will not save you from vegetative manifestations and panic attacks. Because vegetative activity is the correct and healthy functioning of our body, and an increase in vegetative activity occurs due to emotional overstrain and the stimulus for stimulating the VNS can be: physical activity, coffee, energy drinks, sauna, heat, any external factors. If you Avoid the place where panic attacks occurred or stop leaving the house altogether, you will only strengthen this fear (reflex). Because a panic attack is reinforced at the reflex level, and when you avoid or engage in protective behavior, the reflex is strengthened and reinforced. This reflex can only be destroyed behaviorally, not by avoiding, but by inaction during a panic attack and when vegetative manifestations increase. It is also important to understand that isolation and avoidance can significantly reduce your quality of life. It is in your hands to change this. What you need to do: leave the house, go to those places where you had panic attacks or vegetative activity (alone and without pills), if vegetative activity increases (unpleasant symptoms appear), do not run, do not escape, but do nothing. This is the only way we can prove to the brain the safety of vegetative manifestations and panic attacks. Yes, it’s scary and difficult, but this is the only way to change the situation. There are special exercises for working with panic attacks and agoraphobia that will help you overcome these disorders.
