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Universe of colors. It happens that you are getting ready in the evening for some upcoming event tomorrow. You choose clothes in advance, accessories, shoes... You thought through the speech. I imagined how convincing you would look and how others would respond... And then, bam! You wake up in the morning and realize that you just can’t and don’t want to fit into this blue (for example) shirt. And I really want something soft purple and soft. And away we go!! After all, the skirt was matched to blue. And the earrings?? What about the shoes? And you also need a different belt!.. And you are carried away by this whirlwind and fly out into a completely new image for yourself. And you feel new. And you say. And you feel it. Max Luscher (by the way, the emphasis, contrary to popular habit, is on the letter “U”). So Max gave the world of psychology his famous “Lusher Color Test”. But if many people know about the test, then not many people know that Luscher proposes to purposefully, systematically improve your health with the help of color. Briefly, it looks like this. From the point of view of Max Luscher, color is an objective characteristic. That is, blue, for example, for a European - and for an Asian, and for a child - and for an adult, blue. Its principle is concentric, centripetal movement, drawing a person along with it. Something resembling a snail's house. But the perception of each color is very subjective. And it depends not only on the person’s personality in general, but also on his desires, moods, and state of health. Experimentally, from 4500 color tones, Luscher identified the main test colors. By how a particular person reacts to a certain color, one can judge his state at the moment. And you can also correct and change this state using color solutions. For clarity, imagine a color that you don't like. And now you are transported to a room absolutely all painted in this color. And you’ve been in it for two hours.. Brr, it’s already starting to feel bad.. And now, mentally transport yourself to your favorite place on earth. And look at everything that surrounds you. Just absorb the colors of this pleasant place.. Perceive them. . So how? Better? When we feel that we don't want to wear something of a certain color. When we are looking for wallpaper for our room. When choosing clothes for a child! You can be guided by the stereotypes of fashion, logic, simplicity... Or you can be in the present, listen to yourself. Hear yourself.. Remember that it is at this moment that we create a special world. The whole universe with a certain energy, mood and destiny.
