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From the author: A bad head gives no rest to the legs. Folk wisdom Or maybe it’s not a bad head at all, but the owner is a little crazy? The head is just a tool. Figuratively speaking, a computer. Whatever program you put into it, that’s what will come out. Install a high-quality program - expect improvements in life, but if the program contains viruses, then trouble is not far away. !!My head is bad, you, as always, !!Do not give rest to my legs...Ah. Rosenbaum Let's get a little smarter first. There are different versions and views on this topic. Here's one of them. You, of course, have heard or read that a person has a conscious and subconscious mind. You've probably heard a lot about RAM and our storage of everything we've ever heard, seen, or read. This is our long-term memory, our subconscious. Has it ever happened to you that you meet a person - the image is familiar, but you just can’t remember what his name is! There is even a saying: “It’s on the tip of your tongue.” And what is that on the tip of your tongue? But the most interesting thing: when you concentrate on remembering, after some time - BAM! - and comes. I remember! Remember? I'm sure so. Remember this feature of your little head. This is one of the features of her work. Now let's move on. We will rely on your personal experience, then all the information that comes to you today will be accepted and understood. So! Have you ever experienced the “joy” of waking up after a heavy libation? Or even better: have you noticed how such a person behaves after waking up? Did you notice? There is a certain period when you are, as it were, in emptiness. There are no special thoughts or worries. And then the loading process gradually begins. You start: what happened yesterday, how it happened, with whom and how long. Gradually, awareness comes to you. Who you are. Where are you. What happened yesterday. Particularly “drinking” people begin to pester others with questions about how they behaved yesterday. Gradually, your head is filled with memories of the past evening, and, depending on the results, you enjoy life or experience... Well, think of something yourself. Of course, you don’t have to get completely drunk to feel how our conscious and subconscious minds work. You can just watch how your day begins. Your morning. So, first task. continued here http://www.solnushkov.ru/?an=StatOne&uid=8
