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All of our elite, the entire Dnepropetrovsk establishment, the coolest local nouveau riche are Natalya Demchenko’s clients. I’ll try to tell you what it means to be a client. I’m sitting in a chair. In front of me is a low coffee table. There is nothing on it except two decks of Egyptian non-playing cards. I brought photographs of my family and friends with me. And the hostess also needs the hands of the visitor. I remember that the legendary Nostradamus, in order to create visionary paintings, needed the texts of holy scripture and a bronze tripod, with the help of which astronomical calculations were made. And, of course, a unique intuition. In a message to King Henry II of France, he lists the mentioned accessories and several times persistently emphasizes the divine nature of his talent. Here it is appropriate to recall that Dr. Nostradamus considered his predictions absolutely fatal. Knowing the prophecy, it was impossible to somehow evade it, according to Michel Nostradamus. He prophesied death for Henry II from a spear in the eye at a tournament, even predicting the costume the king would wear. Nostradamus did not lift a finger to stop Henry, to distract him from participating in the tournament. Fate is inevitable. All is in God's hands. Someone probably already believes that I have lost the subject of conversation? Not at all!...Writings on the palm of my hand. This is reality. For those who know how to read, there is a wealth of information there. There is more written on my hand about my health than on the hospital chart. As a child I should have died a violent death. This is the absolute truth. My physical condition is more than satisfactory, except for some symptoms of radiculitis. How could he not be if he wandered around the north for 20 years? The left kidney is slightly drooping, but I had it recently and not in Dnepropetrovsk. Indeed, recently, on a deserted tributary of the Ob, I accidentally drank wormwood tincture, after which I suffered terrible pain for three weeks. Four people knew about this, who do not even live in Dnepropetrovsk. I had a dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. And exactly: in the north, about ten years ago, as a result of a nervous shock, I lost the ability to maintain my balance for several days. There is no point in retelling everything about my health - no one is interested in it. I just want to especially emphasize that the hostess could not get information from additional sources, since this was our first meeting and I had never heard anything about her before, much less about me. And in my medical history, nothing is written except for acute respiratory infections. I was told the basics about my family, about work, about my career, about the degree of dependence on rock, about reflections, about depression and about much, much more. By the way, I was also told how many years I would live. Let this remain my (by the way, no one needs) secret... I listened, looking at a Norwegian cat named Felix. Take note, potential clients, Felix was raised in an atmosphere of prophecy. In its dense layers he was formed as a personality. He can smell a bad person a mile away. His patience is considerable, but not unlimited. If you continue to influence him and his owner with your negative aura for too long, he will simply come up, bite and slowly move away. It should be understood this way: here is God, and here is the threshold. In this case, don’t stay too long! I looked at Egyptian solitaire with healthy skepticism, but the hostess’s comments brought me back to reality. Pointing to the map in the center, Natalya said: “A man of short stature, thin, with dark hair, mentally damaged, played a huge negative role in your fate.” He sows evil around himself. Feeds others with ideas. He himself is beyond the brink of poverty and among those around him he observes the virginity of poverty. Through him, you were destined to go to a psychiatric hospital, and, possibly, to prison. With the last words, I understood who he was talking about, but let this remain a secret. Yes, I had the mostdisgusting cards in the deck. And the devil, and the almshouse, and the man who realizes the power of fate in my destiny, and a lot of blue, which means all sorts of conflicts, but I am grateful to the soothsayer. I am grateful that she does not flatter, does not sin, is a consolation. As our President Kravchuk said: “Maemo - scho maemo.” A little mysticism. In Natalya’s room there is a mirror turned to the wall. If there was mourning in the water, it could be curtained. The thing is different. Recently a friend spent the night in the apartment. The lights had just been turned off; the room was quite light from the lanterns outside the window. They talked in the semi-darkness. Natalya's gaze settled on the surface of the mirror. The body was seized with horror. A dark cloud swirled in the mirror, gradually taking shape into some previously seen image. Natalya screamed terribly. A friend rushed to her and turned on the light. She said trembling: “I saw it too!” What did they see? We’ll have to go back how many years ago. Natasha then lived with her parents. It was at that time that she began to incline to the idea that divination was her bread. Having graduated from foreign language and having a theater education, she more and more inextricably connected herself with something to which she herself had not yet decided to give a name. One day I woke up in my room from footsteps. They had a familiar shuffling sound and were accompanied by a characteristic hissing sound. Without opening her eyes, Natasha thought: “why did father come in?” The steps stopped at the bed. She opened her eyes. Almost touching the ceiling with its head, there was SOMETHING. Dark, fluttering and, moreover, transparent. It became phosphorescent along its contour. A hand suddenly reached out from it, tore off the blanket and began, like an elephant’s trunk, to suck the victim inside itself. Natasha screamed wildly already on the edge of the abyss. The father came running... Now the same image materialized in the mirror again. Is it worth commenting and guessing whose image this is? One thing is clear - the angels, the Messengers of the Lord, have never appeared to anyone like this before. “Natasha,” I ask, “what if they call you a witch and, moreover, a fortune teller, simply and tastefully!” “No, you’re talking about something else.” There is palmistry, psychoanalysis plus intuition. The methods I use have long been known to science and have been tested by extensive practice. The romantic flair that shrouds that activity is still a flair - and nothing more. After all, Socrates, Seneca, Dumas, and many other thinkers were engaged in palmistry. The technique, based on Tarot cards, dates back to ancient Egypt and has also been tested by the practice of thousands of years. That is, I don’t mind if they call me a psychoanalyst, but I’m also impressed by ancient names, say, soothsayer. - Natasha, did I understand correctly that you learned this business? - No, that’s not true. It's ingrained in me. It appeared in early childhood. I saw prophetic dreams. Whatever I say about someone will come true. I always knew everything about myself in advance. The rest, as they say, is a matter of technique. That is, all that remains is not to bury the talent in the ground, but to increase it. The abilities finally manifested themselves in the form of stress, 6 which I have already told you. Do you consider someone your teacher in the applied sense of this on the left!—Probably, yes. As a child, an old nun taught me to read hands. Where is which tubercle, what does which line mean... The language used was purely mystical, but the main thing was lessons in practice. And, perhaps, it is not entirely appropriate, but I hasten to say that a person necessarily pays for this activity with himself. Either he is sick due to this, or he has complete discomfort in life, or he is simply personally deeply unhappy. He may have money, but it’s crazy, it flows away like water into sand, it’s impossible to hold it in your fist. A curse dominates such people, and a romantic flair is only for strangers, since even those close to them can see the restlessness of such people. - Natasha, what is your relationship with God? - I proceed from the laws of morality: if I don’t do anything bad, then the Lord will understand me correctly . I am not religiously educated. I do not come into conflict with God. There is a lot in my personal life that.
