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From the author: The Pygmalion effect in practical application to your own website. And to actions in your own life, of course. I never understood the essence of horoscopes. They tell you in the morning - Today Capricorns will have a romantic event. Okay, so what the hell do you do with it? I think it's worth putting on a clean shirt and new socks in case you have to take off your shoes in someone else's apartment. Well, book a table for 21.00. Then there are two options - if I’m already married, then my beloved will throw a scandal: “Where are you going, you brute in new socks? Do you have someone?" and the day will be ruined in the morning, there’s no time for romance. On the other hand, if I’m a single man, I’ve been busy all day and now have to look for that very lady that the stars have prepared for me at 9:00 p.m.? And if I meet her and suddenly fall in love, how can I not be tormented all my life by the question: is she so good, or have I, under the influence of a horoscope, convinced myself that she is “the one”? To be honest, I am constantly tormented by such questions. Let's leave horoscopes aside before I'm beaten by astrologers who are hot-tempered according to their zodiac sign. Looking around, I notice many similar moments. For example, they tell me: a very interesting person will come to your training. And so he comes, a lesson is going on, the person says something... I catch myself thinking: did he really say a sensible thing, or am I looking for interesting things in him on purpose, because I was told so? Do I program my reactions, forming a prejudice? Of course yes. I'm sure you do too. In psychology, this is called the Pygmalion effect (by analogy with the ancient myth), and has a couple of scientific names: “self-fulfilling prophecy” or “experimenter bias.” A classic – I remember this from university – an experiment at school. R. Rosenthal told the teachers that, according to the test results, these children are smarter than those over there. In reality, the children's abilities were approximately at the same level. After some time, the children’s grades came into line with the “prophecy”: the supposedly smart children became excellent students, the supposedly stupid ones fell into C grades. It turned out that the internal attitudes of teachers are much more significant than the real abilities of schoolchildren...Also, a self-fulfilling prophecy can lead to sympathy. R. Curtis and K. Miller illustrated this with another experiment. A group of students who did not know each other were divided into pairs. One person in each couple, chosen at random, learned that their partner either liked them... or didn't like them. Then the couples met to meet and talk to each other. As the researchers predicted, those students who believed that their partner liked them behaved more pleasantly towards their partner. They were more open and expressed less disagreement on the topics discussed. Their manner of communication was more cordial and pleasant than that of students who believed that their partner did not like them. Moreover, those who believed that their partner liked them actually liked them much more than those who believed that their partner disliked them. That is, the partners showed a tendency to copy the behavior of the other person in the couple. Do you understand? It turns out that everything is much simpler! You don't need to read horoscopes, you need to look at every day as a day full of amazing opportunities. And for every person as interesting and good. It’s as simple as that! I’ll figure out what to do if reality turns out to be lower than forecasts later. This is a separate topic. And the question is still open for me. And now I want to launch a new website. And visitors will definitely like this site. People will definitely talk about it on social networks. This is a beautiful and interesting site. Come in and take a look. We made it with love! www.psychologist-consultant.rf I will be grateful if you repost any article from my website to your social network. This will mean that we have something to talk about in a common language... This will mean that the site is in place. Here are collected thanks to those who taught me. Here I share my thoughts about psychology. Here you can…
