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Sometimes even adults are unable to take responsibility for their lives. Yes, as sometimes, this happens all the time. You can test yourself for this skill by answering the following questions: Am I living my life? Do I make my own decisions? Am I independent or do I act according to the opinions of others? If you answer negatively to these questions, this is, to put it mildly, a warning sign. Why take responsibility at all? Because this is the only way you can really build your life, and not just go with the flow. In addition, an adult often has to take responsibility for himself and for his incapacitated and young relatives. But how can you do this if you are not even responsible for yourself? A person who knows how to take responsibility is a confident person. A person who knows exactly where his personal boundaries are, what his rights and responsibilities are. Only by being responsible can you be fully free and strong. When you are responsible, and not in words, but in deeds, you have the ability to set goals. And not imaginary, abstract, but realistic. Goals that you will actually achieve. And you will achieve it. Responsibility gives confidence, and confidence - and the ability to manage oneself - gives strength and motivation to move forward, change something, not be afraid to make a mistake and recover from failures. If a person does not take responsibility, he does not believe that he can influence his own life . Such a person will waste his life for years on a job he hates, remain in an unbearable relationship. While a responsible person will defend his rights, change areas of activity, and break up with a person who is no longer loved or toxic. Responsibility is about certainty in your own life. Responsibility is not always about control. Very often it is about the ability to agree with circumstances that you cannot influence. About accepting as is what is not in our power, while continuing to do what depends on us. This is an adult position.
