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“We live in a universe where everything is subordinated to the creation and eradication of creation.”... Omnis cellula a cellula (Latin: A cell comes only from a cell) For a long time I did not want to know, hear and see anything related to the problems of Crimea and Ukraine. I stopped watching the news (as well as TV in general) a long time ago, and a little later I stopped reading news on the Internet. Undoubtedly, this protects you from a large amount of useless information. And yes, the truth is that you find out about really serious events in any case - people discuss them. But I diligently ignored the news about Crimea, when everything was just beginning there. I didn’t want to know anything so much that any source of information that brought me new news was met with irritation if I couldn’t ignore it (the source). The desire to know nothing is a defense against unbearable anxiety. After all, if “I don’t know” and “it doesn’t concern me,” then there’s nothing to worry about. Let those in whose lives it happened deal with the problem. What if nothing terrible happens there at all, and everything is fiction. It's even easier that way, isn't it? But ignorance does not relieve one from responsibility. It turned out that it is easier to repress despair, fear and the feeling of one’s own powerlessness and insignificance in the face of ongoing cruelty. Or say “I have no power to influence this.” “My house is on the edge” The modern position of “everyone for himself” has led to such a completely predictable result. And now people are dying, already dying en masse and very cruelly. There is a stimulus and there is a reaction. It’s simple - these are the laws of life. It’s easy to avoid your fears when you touch a frightening topic superficially or don’t touch it at all. But I was thinking about my father, brother, about other men important to me, who may well go to defend their Motherland if something happens, and just as easily, overnight they may not be there... Not once there, from illness or old age, and somewhere here, very close. So, when you delve deeper into particulars, there is no choice but to begin to recognize what is happening. To be honest, I am far from politics and I do not want to think about the motives of everything that is happening. But perhaps it’s time to admit to yourself your own irresponsibility. War is a powerful engine for uniting people, for their growth. And it is growing up that involves taking responsibility and acquiring your own clear position. There is too much infantilism in modern society, isn’t it? Life seems to ask: “How far should all this go for you PEOPLE to become more mature; so that you learn love, humanity and responsibility? What will remain in your values ​​when the question arises between life and death right now, and not in the distant future?” You can vilify the state, the authorities, the occupiers for a long time, relying on the global disorder that is happening. Thus, as if to say “I have nothing to do with it, it was you who created this nightmare.” But it is much more effective to pay attention to what is around each of us. What specific contribution do we (EVERYONE) make to improving the world, what work does each of us do to correct mistakes? It's never too late to start making a difference in the world by doing the most ordinary things: giving thanks, giving up seats to the elderly, picking up trash, being sympathetic, helping those in need, etc. In my opinion, this is one of the important lessons that it is time for modern people to learn.
