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From the author: published in the DOMINO newspaper, October 2005 Irina Orlyanskaya, educational psychologist of the highest qualification category Games and toys for kids For a child, play is not only a pleasure, but also a need. In the game, he comprehends this multifaceted world, learns to speak and listen. Toys act as the first textbooks in life for a child. Up to 3 months, a baby cannot distinguish sounds well, and rattles, musical rings, and garlands suspended in a stroller help awaken the senses. From 3 months, the child already knows how to take objects and confidently grabs toys, pulls them into his mouth “for the sake of acquaintance,” manipulates them, making his first attempts to play. When choosing a toy, it is important to take into account its properties - a melodic sound that will not frighten the baby, light weight and a convenient size so that a small hand can hold it, a calm color scheme. Mobiles - devices above the crib on which 2 - 4 are attached - promote the development of perception and senses. objects to look at or geometric shapes, paper toys. Every 3 - 4 days, toys should be changed to refresh the impression. The child easily forgets, and after a few days the toy will be perceived as new. For older children, a horizontal bar with hanging rattles that can be grabbed and handrails that can be held and pulled up is relevant. In the first weeks, the child’s visual acuity is low, he is not able to distinguish colors , sees only bright, contrasting objects, in particular contrasting black and white images that have simple geometric shapes. To develop vision, you can use three-dimensional geometric shapes (cubes, prisms, etc.) with alternating black and white stripes. From six months, the baby begins to babble and repeat syllables. For the development of speech, large pictures with images of people and animals are suitable, which, when examined, need to be named loudly and clearly, explain what sounds they make, and ask the baby to repeat them. Babies from six months old will enjoy a toy, a developmental activity, an entertainment toy, on which you can Press something, make sounds, turn the dial, etc. With the first independent steps, the baby develops an interest in toys that can be pulled on a string or pushed in front of him. Such toys help to acquire walking skills. A rocking horse and a car introduce the child to the sensations of movement, strengthen the desire for independence. Closer to the year, pyramids and cups nested in each other give the baby the opportunity to get acquainted with space, volume, and the concepts of “inside” and “outside.” All objects that can be opened, assembled, or put together from parts are relevant. The toy should always be appropriate for the child’s age. It should entertain and give pleasure. There shouldn’t be a lot of toys, because... the child will not be able to make a choice and consciously use them. Too many toys kill joy. If there are a lot of toys, it’s worth putting some of them away for a while.
