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From the author: Lobodin A.P., Lobodin B.A. “Information from the Creator?!” -Volgodonsk. JSC "Volgodonsk Polygraph Association". 2008. CREATOR'S INFORMATION ?! INTRODUCTION This brochure is designed for the inquisitive reader who can use millimeter wave exposure at home (devices have begun to be sold to private individuals) and for specialists: psychologists, psychotherapists. A hypothesis is proposed about the essence of the impact of electromagnetic radiation of the millimeter range on the human body, as the impact of an information (spin-torsion) psychoenergetic field (information from the Creator?!). It was approved and confirmed by scientists’ own long-term practice, practice and theoretical research. The effect of millimeter-wave microwaves on the human body is informational. With their help, you can get rid of not only somatic diseases, but also restore psychological disorders. MILLIMETER WAVES The beginning of the Universe is atoms and voids, but everything else exists in opinion. And the atoms are countless in size and number, but they rush around the Universe, circling in a whirlwind, and thus everything complex is born: fire, water, air, earth. Democritus We We feel that a wave is passing through us that did not originate in ourselves. She came to us from afar, simultaneously with the light of the first stars. She reached us, creating everything in her path. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Life is the unity of the triad: information, energy and matter. When treating psychophysical disorders (diseases), you can separately influence biochemical processes (matter) with medications, you can influence energy (electrical stimulation, massage), you can correct information with words - psychological correction of behavior, thinking, etc., and this is best done in complex. But it is possible, by restoring the electromagnetic frame with millimeter waves, to return the essence (informational, energetic, material, i.e. socio-biological) to a person, which he had before the disorders (illness). Disturbances in mental and biochemical processes are a change in the healthy rhythmic functioning of the human body; this is a defect in the electromagnetic field (framework) of a person - the information-energy field of the millimeter range (Devyatkov N.D., Golant M.B., 1985, Sitko S.P. , 1991).If we consider a living organism from the position of quantum mechanics, we can “build” for each individual an “electromagnetic frame” based on 12 pairs of meridians known from ancient times with the points of the acupuncture system located on them. It is now known that meridians are electromagnetic waves, and the points of the acupuncture system are the place where waves are reflected from the skin, the point is the connection of the body with the Cosmos (Zhukovsky V.D., 1991). We managed to “see” the meridians, but not in the visible range , but in the millimeter wave range. They are elements of the electromagnetic frame and it is through them that we, in MRI technologies, restore this frame. (Sitko S.P., 1991). There is an assumption that the electromagnetic “framework” of living things is formed on the basis of vibrations of water molecules in EHF mode. (Lobodin A.P.) Apparently, the molecular oscillators of the water component of a living organism, self-synchronizing at resonant frequencies, represent a natural internal source and conductor of millimeter waves. “Today we know that water molecules do not just randomly “float” next to each other , but, subject to the forces acting on them, they are combined into groups of different sizes and structures, into so-called clusters. The structure of clusters is very constant. They are responsible for the “memory” of the liquid, for the preservation of electromagnetic information and its specific vibrations.” (F. Morell). All these waves carry information (at the frequency-amplitude level) about the state of health of a certain molecule, cell, tissue, organ through which they “pass”. Any disorder (both mental and somatic) is a change in the amplitudes of electromagnetic waves, inAs a result, the general rhythm of vibration of the frame is disrupted. The beginning of disorder in the body (psychophysical) is stress that traumatizes the body. If this stress is not “processed” in time, then a post-stress complex is formed in the personal subconscious, which is the beginning of all negative disorders of human health and the formation of a defect in the electromagnetic frame associated with a violation of the oscillation rhythm. In persons who have suffered traumatic stress, a post-traumatic complex is formed (Lobodin A.P., 2001) There is an assumption that the subconscious (individual and collective) “plays” the main role in a person’s life and his healing (K.G. Jung; Z. Freud ; S. Grof.). And all human life activity is contained in an electromagnetic field (frame) (N.D. Devyatkov, M.B. Golant, 1985, S.P. Sitko, 1991) - all his psychophysical and behavioral processes at the conscious and subconscious levels. The electromagnetic frame (organs, tissues, cells, molecules in it) fluctuates with its own frequency and amplitude during the life of an individual. In case of disorders (diseases), the vibration amplitudes change. The frequencies do not change. Each person has his own set of frequencies. If the frequencies of exposure to the human body by millimeter waves coincide with the individual’s own frequencies, then the amplitudes begin to restore to a healthy norm, the post-stress complex in the subconscious is neutralized (this period manifests itself as an exacerbation phase - see Appendix), each cell begins to oscillate in a healthy mode, and is eliminated a defect in the electromagnetic frame, the body gradually heals. This occurs when exposed to millimeter waves through the acupuncture system (through points connecting the body and the ear). When exposed to millimeter waves in the range of 50-80 GHz, healing takes place as if through what was, according to the wave, frequency-resonance principle, the phenomenon of memory of the healthy vibration of the body, through the sensory-biographical experience of the individual subconscious. There is an assumption that millimeter-wave microwaves can also affect the collective subconscious. But we do not have such empirical data. Probably, this equipment (which we have) does not emit microwave frequencies of the activity of the collective subconscious. With the help of millimeter waves, you can reach the subconscious and restore the resonant connection of the general vibration of the body with the rhythm of the Cosmos (Creator) - the basis of a healthy human existence. At the basis of life activity, the leading role is played by the resonant information-energy connection of the rhythm of the Cosmos with the individual rhythm of the oscillatory system of the living (Kaznacheev V.N.; Chizhevsky A.A.; Pushkin V.N.), its electromagnetic frame (field form of life). In case of deviations in health this connection is broken. A person is born with two forms of individual life activity: with an individual and collective subconscious and with an orientation toward human consciousness and reason. All this is embedded in the individual electromagnetic frame of a person and was laid in the womb by certain millimeter waves from the Cosmos - the “language” of the living, mental energy (Lobodin A.P., 2001). Psychologist K.G. Jung said: “The only form directly known to us existence is a psychic form. Physical existence is only implied, since matter is known only through the mental images we perceive, transmitted to our consciousness by the senses.” And these are the words of the physicist M. Planck: “Everything is only vibrations and the result of their influence. Physically, there is no matter at all. Everything and everyone is formed from vibrations.” “According to physicists, there are two realities in the universe - matter and Field (A. Einstein). But for a person they are transformed into information and Spirit. In this case, human life is a kind of material transformation of information into living matter. It seems that the manifestation of the Spirit in matter is the essential property of life. From these assumptions we will risk making a higher generalization: the connection between the energy of space and the field of human living matter is realizedthrough spirituality. This can only be proven through the discovery of psychic substance. In man, in addition to the energy field, thanks to the reception of cosmic energy, there is a spiritual field,” this is the statement of Academician V. A. Ponomarev (33). Let us dare to suggest that it is millimeter waves that can be the basis of psychic substance and the connecting link between Man and Spirit (Creator) . There is no solid evidence for this, but... Already in the twenties, in the Laboratory of Animal Psychology (Moscow), B.B. Kazhinsky and V.L. Durov showed that a metal chamber that screens electromagnetic waves also screens the transmission of thought (A. L. Chizhevsky, 1994). From his observations B.B. Kazhinsky concluded that brain information is carried out using electromagnetic waves, which he later described in his book “Biological Communication” (Kyiv, 1962). But what is the nature of these electromagnetic waves, their range? There is confidence that these are millimeter waves. “The fundamental work of Albert Einstein, later A.L. Buchachenko (1979) and others show that biochemical reactions occur with simultaneous electromagnetic radiation in the millimeter range” (54). As a result of the research activities of teams headed by Academician N.D. Devyatkov and Professor M.B. Golant, productive hypothesis about the information resonance interaction of millimeter radio waves with the biological environment. The resonant frequencies of molecular vibrations of water and the biological environment of a living organism are in the millimeter range and are identical. From the data below, you can also notice a certain connection and parallels: One of the most important, the biochemical Krebs cycle, produces energy in the body. Its frequency was measured and was close to 60 GHz. Violation of the frequency of released energy leads to gene breakdown. And as experiments have shown, cells use electroacoustic waves in the frequency range of absorption of atmospheric oxygen -60 GHz (wavelength 5 mm) as a language of intercellular communication (Butusov K.P., 2000). Living is the fourth (after nuclear, atomic and molecular) level of quantum organization of nature, when a self-consistent potential functions like a laser potential in the millimeter range of electromagnetic waves. Atmospheric oxygen has an absorption maximum at frequencies of 60 GHz. Similar “absorption resonances” of a flat type were also discovered during human irradiation in the range of 53-64 GHz (Sitko S.P.). [ul] [li]The frequency of zero-point oscillations of the physical vacuum is 56 GHz, the integral power density of the relict radiation is 3 X 10 –10 W/cm2. This correlates in magnitude with the intrinsic power flows of millimeter radiation of living organisms (Devyatkov N.D., Petrosyan V.I., Sinitsyn N.I., Yolkin V.A.). At the resonant frequencies of water “transparency” at low intensities, the Earth and living organisms are open to MM electromagnetic radiation of cosmic origin. Atmospheric water plays the role of a kind of “tracking and restrictive” filter, and penetrating weak resonant MM radiations are in harmony with all living things. Resonation of water occurs at frequencies around 50; 52; 65;100 GHz (Devyatkov N.D., Petrosyan V.I., Sinitsyn N.I., Yolkin V.A.). [/li] [/ul] “When the double helix of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was discovered 42 years ago, biologists breathed a sigh of relief: the last mystery had collapsed. It is now clear how hereditary characteristics are transmitted from generation to generation - all information is recorded in genes, the totality of which determines the development program of the organism. Everything turned out to be difficult and difficult, because in the 80s it was suddenly discovered that genes in DNA helices contain only information about the construction of proteins. But proteins are not an organism yet. These are just the bricks from which the body is built. And to build it, you need a plan, an architectural drawing indicating where to put which brick. We need a program for the development of the organism in space and time. Where is she? It wasn't in the genes. MoreMoreover, it turned out that the genetic code itself takes up only one percent of the length of DNA. The remaining 99% seems to be completely unnecessary, so geneticists hastened to call them the “junk” part of DNA. But nature does nothing in vain. Why was this “garbage” needed? The answer was suggested in the early 90s by a simple experiment. The frog embryo was placed in a “bomb” - a metal case. All conditions for development were created - a nutrient medium, air. But... the metal shell reflected all external radiation. And the embryo began to develop in a completely different way than a frog should - it turned into a freak, then died. There is only one conclusion from this. The information contained in the genes is not enough to build the “correct” organism. Information from outside is needed, dictating the sequence and parameters of construction. It was found out that it is the “junk” part of the DNA that receives this program, which is carried by special electromagnetic waves of the millimeter range, and then also with the help of microwaves they transmit it to each cell, determining how it should develop and what place it will take during the “construction” of the organism” (Garyaev P.P). A person cannot live outside of electromagnetic fields; he himself is an electromagnetic field (Spirkin A.G.). As a result of many years of research, domestic and foreign physicists and doctors came to the conclusion that the hereditary information of a living organism is stored in the form of a quantum structure. The latter, being the carrier of the genetic code, is organized in the form of a hologram, which has the property of containing information about the whole in each part. It is known from quantum physics that laser radiation is needed to create a hologram. The source of such radiation in the human body is DNA (P.P. Garyaev). However, the capabilities of the cell are not limited to this. The cell is capable of processing, transmitting, restoring lost information and implementing the development program inherent in it, using microwave radiation in the millimeter range (A. Grabovshchiner, Y. Kheifets, 2000). The self-consistent potential of each living object is formed in accordance with the genome using a laser type in the millimeter wavelength range. (Sitko S.P.) In the world, everything is built on vibrations, the effect of resonance, consonance, Nature, the Universe, Space and man. So, the most complex interweaving of all types of information communicated to the embryo forms holograms in which information about the material and, most surprisingly, about the psychological, energetic and other structures of the body is encrypted. The ability to penetrate a person’s consciousness, completely subordinating his will with the help of millimeter microwave waves fluctuations was discovered in the middle of the 20th century. In particular, the French scientist Victor Gavreau, studying the influence of infrasonic vibrations on human organs, came to the conclusion that they are a kind of living resonators tuned to a certain frequency. Academician V.P. Kaznacheev and his special physical research shows that the human brain is characterized by quantum mechanical phenomena. It is on the basis of encoding information by electromagnetic quanta that the growth and functioning of the organism, its connection with other organisms: both animals and plants, are carried out. Connection with Space. Speaking about this, he introduces the concept of psychological physics. “Ayurveda considers a person as a quantum body - these are our thoughts, feelings, the work of cells, organs and systems of the body, biochemical and mental reactions, i.e. everything is interconnected at a subtle energy level. Medical researchers have finally begun to understand that thoughts and feelings, those invisible impulses emitted by the mind, can be transformed into molecules of matter. Fear - a state of consciousness - turns into adrenaline in the tissues of the body. If adrenaline were not produced, fear would not cause any behavioral reactions. All bodily reactions associated with fear (rapid heartbeat, tensionmuscles) are caused by chemical signals coming from the brain. This method of transmitting information, in essence, represents a huge paradox. Consciousness and psyche turn into matter... We are accustomed to looking at spirit and matter as two kingdoms, two areas of reality and have not found a connecting link between them. Now we begin to understand: the kingdom of spirit and the kingdom of matter can be linked together if we introduce a third element, that very necessary connecting link: quantum. The concept of quantum contains the unity of matter and energy, the unity of matter and consciousness. What does it seem like consciousness and a molecule have in common? It turns out that there is something in common, but we do not notice it because of our adherence to the so-called objective method in the study of natural phenomena.” (Deepak Chopra, 1996). There is an assumption that both the individual and collective subconscious, and the consciousness-mind, operate at different frequency-amplitude levels of electromagnetic waves in the millimeter range (levels of the psychoenergetic field). And this is not the only statement. Indian psychologist Ramacharak said that our mind is a spectrum of electromagnetic waves, where the visible section is very small: the visible section is consciousness, and both invisible sections are the subconscious. Also V.P. Kaznacheev proved experimentally that thought is material and capable of carrying both destructive and creative information and used instruments to measure thought forms created by the thoughts of the subjects - they emitted electromagnetic waves in the millimeter range. The negative thought form disappeared after reading the prayer. From a physical point of view, consciousness (thought) is a special form of field (torsion) matter (Akimov A.E., Shipov G.I., 1996). In 1978, Academician Zhirmunsky A.V. and Professor Kuzmin V.I. put forward a hypothesis about the existence of high-frequency fields in the body and associated this with the acupuncture system and that information is transmitted along the meridians. “The active point system is an autonomous system for regulating human function, ensuring communication between the body and the external environment, coordination of the body’s activities with the external environment, coordination of the activities of the body’s organs, their work according to local astronomical time, regulation of the functioning of the body and its individual organs. The mechanism of operation of this third system of regulation of functions is associated with high-frequency fields generated by the human body, registered by American physicists” (Zhirmunsky A.V., 1979). It was a group of scientists from the Institute of Bioenergy Analysis (New York, USA), which, using instruments, detected low-intensity millimeter-wave radiation from humans. But even before them, in 1942, S.Ya. Turygin [72] discovered human radiation in the milliwave range. On December 9, 1997, using equipment created at the Scientific Research Center for Quantum Medicine “Vidguk”, it was possible to directly register the nonequilibrium component of electromagnetic radiation humans in the millimeter range (Sitko S.P.). General Director of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute “Binar”, Doctor of Technical Sciences E. Kryuk, stated that the “biofield” was measured and the range was determined - millimeter. It has been proven that a person is an open resonant circuit, that an acupuncture point is a wave diode, and the entire world ether is permeated with virtual photons.” (Tikhoplav V.Yu., Tikhoplav T.S. 2001). This begs the conclusion in the form of a question: “If We are a “millimeter field,” then, logically, we should be “guided” by a similar field?” “The fact that the relict radiation is located mainly in the millimeter range of electromagnetic oscillations amazes the imagination. From the standpoint of zero-point vacuum oscillations, the CMB radiation and the corresponding energy levels are consistent with the parameters of their own resonant wave processes in biological media.” (Devyatkov N.D., Golant M.B., Betsky O.V., Petrosyan V.I., Sinitsyn N.I., Yolkin V.A., Gulyaev Yu.V.). Relict radiation from the site of the Big Bang (theory of the origin of the Universe) millimeter. This radiation, it turns out, comes not only from the past, but fromfuture! This is a reflection of the “world fire” emanating from the next cycle in which a new Universe is born. The temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation observed today is three degrees above absolute zero. This is the temperature of the “electromagnetic dawn”, which marks the birth of a new Universe. Relict millimeter radiation - it permeates our world, carries information (“an idea is in the air”), coming as if from two sides - from the past and the future, and is in the present. (Voitsekhovsky AI., 1993) Isn’t this the energy that Reich called “orgone”, Chi in the Ancient East and modern scientists (F. Warren, Portnov F.G., Vogralik V.G., G. Luvsan)? Isn’t this Subtle energy of ultra-high frequencies according to A. E. Akimov, G. I. Shipov, E. Muldashev? Qi is information. (Gavazin M.N., Kuznetsov A.E. Donetsk State University, Department of Biophysics). And more about millimeter waves. For several years now, physicists have been openly warning everyone that they are on the threshold of a new understanding of the world. Some time ago, QinetiQ has already developed a special camera that detects so-called millimeter waves (T-waves), which have the highest penetrating power. According to scientists, almost everything in the Universe emits T-rays - from the human palm to the nucleus of a comet. The Star Tiger device was created for space research; it will operate at frequencies of 250 and 300 GHz. “Psychic energy (thinking, feelings, intuition, etc.) is, as physicists have established, in the ultrahigh frequency range and is directly related to the Subtle to the world. In other words, in the process of thinking we use the energy of the subtle world, and our brain contributes to the twisting of the torsion fields of the soul. Therefore, many physicists (for example, G. Shipov, V. Lobankov) draw a direct analogy between the subtle world and the world of psychic energy, and consider the souls (spirit) of people to be a clot of energy of the subtle world in the form of swirling fields” (E. Muldashev., 2000). Torsion fields have memory and are an inevitable component of the electromagnetic field. As G. Shipov believes: “Thought is a field self-organizing formation. These are clots in a torsion field that hold themselves together. We perceive them as images and ideas.” The so-called psychic energy is the sum of the physiological activity of the brain and information received from the outside (A.A. Gorelov, 1997). What are the channels for information to enter the brain? As a result of numerous experiments and scientific research, A. V. Bobrov (13), like many others, came to the conclusion that the mechanism of consciousness is based on field information interactions, and provides reasons for this statement: - using modern scientific methods in the cerebral cortex centers of thinking and memory have been discovered, as well as specific structure formations that regulate the functions of thinking and memory; thinking and long-term memory cannot be realized along the path of distribution of nerve impulses along the neural pathways of the brain, since the speed of movement of the action potential along the nerve fiber and the time of synaptic transmission are not provide real-life performance of the mechanisms of thinking and memory. So, the speed of transferring, remembering and retrieving from memory unlimited amounts of information can only be carried out at the field level; - biological systems have a material basis for the implementation of the mechanism of consciousness at the field level. The radiation emanating from them carries complex information and is of torsion nature. Human activity largely depends on the spinal state of the molecules that make up any cell. Each cell creates its own torsion field and is subject to the influence of an external torsion field. And if the cell is a brain cell with a special subtle organization - a neuron, then it is natural to assume that torsion fields will induce certain images of consciousness. The totality of torsion fields of all molecules of a neuron forms the torsion field of a nerve cell, which carries information about its state - excitedor calm. In turn, the torsion field of a neuron is part of the torsion field of the cerebral cortex, which carries information about ideas (images). Consequently, when exposed to external torsion fields, spin structures are formed in the brain cells, which carry corresponding images and sensations in the mind (Akimov A. E., Bingi V. N., 1995). Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L. V. Petrova, who has been researching psychophysics for many years, speaks about the powerful impact of psychic energy on physical processes, on the fate of an individual, and that with the help of torsion fields any problem related to psychic energy can be explained. Moreover, psychic energy is studied as a really existing energy field. According to the concept of Professor N.I. Kobozev, a thinking brain is impossible not only at the biochemical, but even at the atomic-molecular level. “The carriers of mental functions, consciousness and subconsciousness must be sought in the field of elementary particles and fields associated with them” (Kobozev N.I.). In every elementary particle, in an electromagnetic quantum, in every atom there is Consciousness. The human soul is not a product of the brain, but represents the radiation of all living cells of the human body without exception (Tikhoplav V. Yu., Tikhoplav T. S., 2001). Now there is no doubt that any disease, both mental and somatic, - there is a breakdown in the “electromagnetic frame” of a person and it can be repaired. The world is a collection of waves. They all vibrate according to their own rhythm. Rhythm is the beginning of beginnings, the basis of all psychophysiological connections, the “framework” of life. (Shabalin V.N., 1998) Electromagnetic fields are the carrier of information flows that carry out the temporal and spatial organization of a living system at all its levels - from a molecule to a whole organism (25). “Academician Devyatkov and Professor Golant, for example, adhere to the theory of information transmission at resonant frequencies. They believe, not without reason, that it is in the millimeter range that information is exchanged” (Shironosov V.G. 1990). The range of information exchange of living things is 30-300 GHz (Devyatkov N.D., Golant M.B., 1985, Sitko S.P., 1991). Wave structures are responsible for the processes of thinking and consciousness, subconsciousness, and all this “works” on individual frequencies of the millimeter range (levels of the individual’s psychoenergetic field) that are individual for a given person. The human body and its electromagnetic framework are formed in the womb. For example, the heart is formed - the electromagnetic wave that passes through this organ (the meridian of the heart - this meridian, by the way, is “responsible” for the state of mind - Chinese) - is also formed, i.e. the oscillation of this wave is established at a certain amplitude and frequency - the parameters of healthy heart activity. This is how the entire somatics and psyche are laid, and a unique information-energy “portrait” of the human body (framework) is formed, and connection points (points of the acupuncture system) of the body and ear are the place of influence on this information (physical, mental, behavioral). (Lobodin A.P.). The speech of Academician V.I. Astafiev at the sixth international Forum of Informatization on November 26, 1997 in Moscow was dedicated to the information picture of the World and its influence on humans. He emphasized that all processes in the Universe are permeated with information. The human body is a receiver and analyzer of various information flows from the surrounding world, and the person himself is the carrier of information. All living beings, from the moment of their birth until the end of their earthly existence, reside in an information field that constantly, continuously influences them. Life on Earth would be impossible if living beings did not capture information coming from the environment, were not able to process it and exchange it with other living beings. The entire space surrounding us forms an information field - the Subtle World. The subtle world contains a set of unique information matrices, which are used to constructof the Real World. The reality of the Subtle World has been proven by scientists from different countries through qualified studies of the phenomena of consciousness in psychophysics and quantum mechanics. The Unified Information Field stores holograms of each person with the world of his feelings and opinions. Scientists have long established that electromagnetic waves are the material carrier of information in the physical world. It follows that in the process of learning the world through the senses, a person receives and deciphers information encoded in electromagnetic radiation. After all, our vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch function at the atomic level with the help of an electromagnetic field. Humans and animals have an acupuncture system capable of perceiving signals from the outside and then transforming them into appropriate forms of internal activity (Volchenko V.N. 1997). Here is what academician G. Shipov says about this: “Man, as a part of nature, is created from atoms and molecules with nuclear and atomic spins. Since spin is a source of torsion fields, each human cell creates its own torsion field. Cells collectively create a general torsion field of the body (Devyatkov N.D. and Golant M.B. call this an electromagnetic field of the mm range). It is this that is the basis of all living things, since it serves as a carrier of information for the organism as a whole and its cells about the structure and state of both the internal and external world of a person. With its help, all thoughts, feelings, desires, directions of human life, and his aspirations are conveyed to each cell . In humans, several levels of torsion fields correspond to invisible energy bodies and are known in the East as chakras (they are also found on acupuncture systems - L.A.). In the human body, chakras are focal points of torsion fields. The higher the chakra is located, the higher the frequency of the field.” Chakras are multi-level systems of energy centers that transform Higher (Cosmic) energy received from external sources and transmit it to the body in forms acceptable for use by the human body. Chakras and their connections (meridians and nadis) contain basic information about the psychophysiological state of the body (Agapov Yu.K., Agapova I.D., Votoropin S.D.). Each chakra (and there are seven of them), according to Eastern medicine and philosophy, has its own color (frequency-amplitude level) , like the colors of the rainbow (Lobodin A.P.). From all of the above, we can probably assume that it is the information field (spin-torsion) of the millimeter range that is one of the main control mechanisms of the body (the main control center is the Creator), while maintaining the role of the nervous and hormonal systems, this is a psychoenergetic field. Fundamental science - physiology - also does not deny the impact of “some processes” on the body. “The combination of cells into certain structures is carried out at those stages of the individual development of the organism when the nervous system does not yet exist. And as it develops, it itself is subject to some processes that ensure the consolidation of neurons into strictly defined systems, in which each nerve ending always innervates only certain cells and forms the only possible connections with them. This all happens due to the exchange of information” (Human Physiology. Textbook. 1985. -pp. 208-209). And many famous scientists say that we are controlled by the Cosmos (Creator): V.P. Kaznacheev - a single planetary mind, German physicist G. Fechter - a single collective consciousness, K.E. Tsiolkovsky - cosmic brain, astrophysicists C. Wickramasinghe and F. Hoyle - living matter of space, E. Muldashev - Spirit that exists on ultra-high-frequency psychoenergetic (spin-torsion) fields To the idea of ​​​​the existence of an Intelligent force present in space at the end of its life A. Einstein also came, who, as is known, stood on the positions of natural scientific materialism. “We inevitably come to the idea of ​​some kind of Super Brain, a powerful field form intelligence whose basis is vacuum. It is from the vacuum that the waves descend, carryingall living things have genetic information and energy for development." (P. Garyaev). All roles in the space drama are played by one - a single actor - Absolute Consciousness. (S. Grof) "I have recently been inclined to think that the so-called second physics, another life, parallel to ours, still exists, sometimes closing in on our banal life. The possibility cannot be ruled out that this other life always protects and, perhaps, determines our first life. Recently, I doubted my materialistic views even more when I became acquainted with the experiments of Academician Bekhtereva, a famous neurophysiologist. Can a person see without eyes?! Bekhtereva decided to check how the brain reacts to this phenomenon, and came to a striking conclusion: it turns out that the information seen comes not only through the receptors, but also in addition to them. It may not cause electrical reactions in the occipital lobe of the brain, where visual images are recorded. This is a manifestation of “another physics”" (N. Amosov, 2001). The statement made from the rostrum of the World Russian People's Council in 1998 by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences N.P. Bekhtereva is shocking: “I have devoted my entire life to the study of the most perfect organ - the human brain. And I came to the conclusion that the occurrence of such a miracle is impossible without the Creator.” “The brain does not just function like other organs of the body, but lives its own life. The brain absorbs information, processes it and makes decisions - this is so. But sometimes a person receives a ready-made formulation, as if from nowhere. Information comes from space or from the fourth dimension” (N.P. Bekhtereva, 2003) In the last years of his life, Doctor of Psychology V.N. Pushkin put forward a hypothesis about a hologram form containing information about living things. According to his concept, such hologram forms interact with each other, forming the information field of the Universe. Is it possible to assume that the living matter of the Cosmos, a certain volitional impulse, could influence the distribution of masses of matter on Earth? This can be confirmed and demonstrated clearly by the example of the regulation of the reproduction of offspring. After wars, more boys are always born than girls, and so on up to a certain point. And there are many such examples. The human body is a self-healing, self-regulating, self-renewing, self-guiding system (i.e., self-healing): these processes occur in the electromagnetic frame of the millimeter range on the basis of a resonant connection with the Cosmos (Creator). The body “knows” what happened to it, what is, even what will happen (the phenomenon of spin-torsion information memory of health). We just need to help him “remember.” “Memory” can be reached using millimeter waves with a frequency resonant for a given organism through connection points and chakras of the acupuncture system. At the sixth international scientific and practical conference on quantum therapy in Moscow, in December 1999, an example was given of the occurrence of “future” sensations in a young woman after exposure to certain areas of the body by millimeter waves and the question was raised whether it is possible to eliminate “traces” from past diseases and events? Twelve years of experience leads to an understanding that it is possible. Healing occurs only when negative memories (complexes) are eliminated from the subconscious. And this can be clearly seen in the millimeter wave puncture of people who have suffered traumatic stress. The moment when the post-traumatic complex is “erased” in the subconscious looks like an “exacerbation” phase. During this period, fear and anxiety intensify. Healing occurs through the sensory-biographical experience of the individual subconscious (see appendix). The fact that the body “knows” and “remembers” everything is confirmed by the results of holotropic therapy - transpersonal psychology (S. Grof) Conclusion. The idea of ​​an information-energy field of the millimeter range as a “carrier” of consciousness and subconscious is directly related to everything that was said. And the impact on this field is possible likeand other fields. Everything that exists in the world is electromagnetic fields, and everything is carried out with the help of electromagnetic influences. The distribution and combination of information, energy and matter in Nature is carried out according to the wave, frequency-resonance principle. And microwaves of the millimeter range are the “language” of the living; at these ranges, information, energy and material communication of all living things is carried out. And with their help, it is possible and necessary to heal a person: restore his psychological sphere, get rid of psychosomatic disorders, activate personal potential, improve mental processes. Conclusion.INFORMATION-WAVE PSYCHOLOGY.In the twenties of our century A.L. Chizhevsky wrote: “Quantum mechanics allows us to penetrate into the deepest parts of the atomic world and, ultimately, a huge amount of work, can lead to an understanding of the reactions that determine the vital activity of the organism. Thus, from quantum physics and quantum chemistry, quantum biophysics and quantum biochemistry will have to be born, and from them quantum physiology, quantum biology and, finally, quantum medicine. Everything requires time and a lot of thought.” Quantum medicine has taken its rightful place in the treatment of many diseases. Perhaps the time has come for quantum psychology (information-wave)? And dare we suggest that a new direction of psychological thought is possible?! In 1989, an All-Union Symposium was held in Kyiv with the participation of foreign scientists on the problem of using mm-wave electromagnetic radiation in medicine. And even then N.P. Zinchenko, B.N. Ugarov (International Research Center for the Physics of Living and MRI “Response”) proposed that the effect of electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency and low intensity on human BAP requires further study not only as a method of treating certain diseases, but also the effect on the mental sphere of a person after exposure The operators' performance on the proofreading test (Landolt rings) improved: the amount of attention and speed of information processing increased. There is also data from the Institute of Neurology (V.A. Yudin): after 5 sessions the level of anxiety normalized (Spielberger-Khanin test). There are also data from E.L. Macheret that with VSD after exposure, the psycho-emotional state normalized (method of multidisciplinary personality research). There is also evidence that exposure to millimeter waves prevents the onset of the stage of exhaustion as a result of a stressful situation (T.A. Zhukova, N.P. Zinchenko). In 1999, at the sixth international scientific and practical conference in Moscow, specialists from the Astrakhan Medical Academy, after exposure to millimeter waves during the NCD, noted an improvement in indicators of changes in the psycho-emotional sphere. This was confirmed by psychological tests (Luscher test, Spielberger test). In the journal “Millimeter Waves in Medicine and Biology” No. 1 for 2000: specialists from the Saratov Medical University, after exposure to hypertension, note the obligatory harmonization of the emotional background of the disease: the feeling of anxiety, fear disappeared, a feeling of peace and comfort appeared. We used a computer version of the SAN questionnaire in the correction of patients - both adults and children - with the consequences of post-traumatic stress (war, captivity, terrorist attack). A post-traumatic complex is formed in their subconscious, which is the cause of the consequences. After exposure to millimeter waves through acupuncture systems, mood indicators significantly improved, indicators of well-being and activity increased. People came to us in a state of anxiety, complaints of indifference, apathy, and severe somatic disorders, and left with the desire to live, work, and study. People develop search behavior. Since 1996, there have been 223 of them. Parents of children with manifestations of neurosis, after the intervention, noted an improvement in their memory, they began to study better, began to endure temporary failures calmer and without tears (Lobodin A.P., Pidkova V.Ya., Babich Yu. .V., 2001).Practical psychologists, probablyIt is worth paying attention to all this, since it is assumed that the use of millimeter-wave microwaves (non-verbal influence) in their activities will allow them to more effectively influence psychological processes, the psychosomatic health of the individual, along with the use of existing methods in psychology. Why?! After all, we still need to realize that we are a “walking electromagnetic frame” of the millimeter range (with all the socio-biological essence in it). And if “this socio-biological entity” fell ill from psycho-emotional stress or has problems with mental processes and behavior, then why not, first of all, begin to restore health and eliminate problems using the “like like” method? You can help a person; you just need to have equipment with millimeter wave radiation adequate for this. And the body itself is able to select a resonant-frequency wave from the spectrum of radiation, which will gradually restore psychophysical health. In therapy, the main role should be played by the human body, its self-healing capabilities, and not by the therapist, since no one has the right to decide what is psychologically appropriate for a given person one therapist (S. Grof). The 21st century will be the century of psychology (G.L. Apanasenko, A.A. Popova, 2000). It is possible that the method we use will take its rightful place in psychology as an instrumental method of psychological and psychosomatic correction and prevention. We called the method information-wave psychopuncture (in which the main role is played by millimeter-wave influence), - here the phenomenon of the body’s self-healing process is triggered. The information (spin-torsion) field of the millimeter range of a person is the coordinator of his entire socio-biological essence, all interactions in the body (biochemical, electromagnetic, laser, acoustic, gravitational) is a psychoenergetic field. Let us give only three examples that confirm that, probably, “the living world is corrected by millimeter-wave information.” O. (psychologist) 29 years old. She came to us with complaints about feelings of anxiety in the evenings that appeared (a year ago) after psycho-emotional stress, and sudden attacks of fear of death. She was treated with medication and consulted by a psychiatrist. History of chronic rhinosinusitis. I completed two subcourses of 7 sessions (with a break of 21 days). From the lore side, there are no complaints. Now he rates his health as a four plus. Let’s not forget that a specialist took the course. Verbal methods of psychotherapy from other specialists did not help, nor did my own attitudes, auto-training and logical thinking about this situation. M. –5 years. She lived in a dysfunctional family in Rostov. Grandfather and grandmother took her to Volgodonsk. After the death of my grandfather, I began to cry constantly, be capricious, and stopped playing with dolls. Afraid to stay at home alone, afraid to sleep. Goes to bed at 1-2 am, gets up early. And he says: “Grandma, I don’t want to live”!!? My grandmother told us all this. She has a history of constipation. There were consultations with specialists (psychologist, psychotherapist), appointments. They came to us on the advice of the local pediatrician. This is the first time in our practice. The child is 5 years old (thought is still visual and figurative!), but she no longer wants to live. But after the 4th session she came to us with a doll. Go to bed now at 10 o'clock. The stool is normal. No more crying or saying shocking words. Completed three subcourses of 5 sessions. N. - 18 years old. She lived in a house that was blown up in September 1999. Until the spring of 2005 (!) I woke up in fear at about six in the morning (the time of the explosion). I completed a rehabilitation course (3 subcourses of 7 sessions) using millimeter waves. Now everything is fine, he gets up when he gets enough sleep. The girl is deaf and mute, so verbal psychology did not have the positive results that others had. And good specialists worked with the victims. “The use of MRI (millimeter resonance therapy) without sufficient consideration of the nuances of the clinic and acupuncturediagnostics with a template effect on restorative points gives positive results in approximately 50% of patients” (46, p. 234). The effectiveness of self-healing using millimeter waves depends not so much on an accurate diagnosis, but rather on the ability to quickly monitor the progress of the rehabilitation process, adjust and change its tactics in a timely manner, and correctly draw up an acupuncture prescription according to the rules and laws of ancient Eastern medicine. All this can be done with the hardware-software, acupuncture-diagnostic complex "Bioscan", which we have been using since 1990, has patent No. 5409011 dated April 25, 1995, USA. A year before receiving the patent (in 1994), my colleagues from Odessa made a report on the use of MRI for psychophysical disorders in the body with these testing methods at a conference on alternative medicine in the USA. This puncture diagnostic test is a modification of the Riodarak test, but without the influence of external current, but on the basis of a galvanic couple. The complex creates an optimal and continuous cycle of self-healing from psychophysical disorders in the individual’s body: 1. testing (selection of points for influence) - exposure to mm waves (before the period of exacerbation) 2. testing (selection of points for influence) - exposure to mm waves (until normalization of the psychosomatic state ). To influence the body with millimeter waves through acupuncture points, we use “Threshold1”, “Threshold3”, “Stella1” equipment (ultra-low intensity “white noise” generators), as well as AMRT1,2 equipment (coherent oscillation generator, to select resonant therapeutic for a given patient frequency). Methods have been developed to correct the consequences of post-traumatic stress and preventive effects during psycho-emotional stress. The emotional sphere of a person is most susceptible to the pathogenetic effect of modern reality. The social conditions of life of a modern person often put him in difficult situations that give rise to emotional stress. This problem is very relevant for the people of Russia (both adults and children). The stress experienced by participants in armed conflicts, as well as other emergency circumstances associated with loss of life, violence, and danger to life, is usually called traumatic in psychology. Any disease (both mental and physical) is also stressful for the body. It must be neutralized. And millimeter waves will help us with this. BIBLE: CHAPTER 1 -26. And God said: Let us create man in Our image, in Our likeness... CHAPTER 2-7. And the Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul. After the Fall of Adam, did the Lord preserve His likeness in man at the quantum level?! I am united with You in the currents that pass through me ! (Simeon the New Theologian - 24, p. 116) “Guides” him with certain information - information in the millimeter-wave range (EHF)?! The range of 50-80 GHz is the range of the living soul - a person, his subconscious; spectrum of the Rainbow?! Ch. 9-12. And God said: This is the sign of the covenant that I establish between Me and you, and between every living soul that is with you forever. 13. I set My rainbow in the cloud, that it might be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. 14.And it will come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that a rainbow will appear in the cloud.15. And I will remember the covenant between Me and you, and between every living creature in all flesh.16. And there will be a rainbow in the cloud, and I will see and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living soul of all flesh that is on the earth. No comment. 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Before us, he underwent medical and psychological rehabilitation. They influenced the systems of electromagnetic waves - after a biotest, according to the rules of acupuncture, using the method of selecting frequencies. On the third session, the sense of smell intensified, the fear intensified - a period of “exacerbation”, at night I woke up from my own scream, I was very tired and drowsy all day. On day 4, they did a repeat biotest and began to influence the causative points. On the 5th day, the feeling of the “burning” smell that haunted him disappeared, the pain in the heart area disappeared, and he slept for almost a day. As it turned out, the guy was burning in the BMP, i.e., the background of traumatic stress was the smell of burning, and the post-traumatic complex in the personal subconscious was formed against this background. Now he can work, as he did before the army, as a welder, but this fumes, after welding metals, also affected him before. N. (21 years old) - war teacher; fear, pain in the heart area, headache, which “goes away” only after drinking a glass of vodka. He has nightmares every night, usually falls asleep in the morning, his parents often wake up screaming, try to wake him up and calm him down, he rushes into a fight, and in the morning he doesn’t remember anything. All these symptoms intensify during the new moon. Before us, he underwent medical and psychological rehabilitation. First, they began to select the frequency (AMRT) - without results, they began to influence the “Threshold”. After the first session, the pain in my heart stopped bothering me. After the second session, the headache began to hurt less, at the third session he said that he was “ready to burst into tears” - some inexplicable feeling. Continues to have trouble sleeping. I came to the fourth session with a severe headache, a feeling of fear, and a strong desire to get drunk. This was a period of “exacerbation”. They began to select the frequency - I felt lightness throughout my body and immediately vomited due to the appearance of an unpleasant (in his words) feeling of the smell of vodka, and tears flowed from my eyes. After this session, I slept peacefully at night, we had three more sessions, now I don’t have a headache, I don’t drink, I work in the North, but before the correction there was no talk about work. Post-traumatic complex: the guy, participating in a battle for the first time, saw that people were falling after shots were fired (and he was not psychologically prepared for this), and after the battle he was hysterical. The battalion commander forcibly poured a glass of vodka into his mouth. Against this background, a complex was formed in the subconscious and was the cause of all the consequences of post-traumatic stress. S. (22 years old) - war student; pain in the stomach and heart, headache, constant feeling of drowsiness and fatigue, anxiety. Before us, he had undergone medical and psychological rehabilitation. We adjusted the frequency in the first session: the feeling of heaviness in the stomach area disappeared, and a feeling of cheerfulness appeared. I came to the second session feeling very tired, a headache in the occipital region and a strong desire to smoke cigarette after cigarette, but after a few puffs a feeling of nausea set in, and after about ten minutes I wanted to smoke again. This was a period of “exacerbation”. Conductedrepeated biotest, adjusted the frequency to R, and he slept on our couch for six hours; we barely woke him up. We missed the third day. On the fourth day he came cheerful and cheerful with the words: “I’m fine, nothing hurts, I just want to eat all the time.” We had another session. Post-traumatic complex: in the first battle he was very scared, and in order not to show this to anyone and to “not be disgusted” to himself (these are his words), he smoked one cigarette after another, even while shooting. Against the backdrop of this complex, the consequences took shape. Went to the second war. V. (22 years old) - war student (participated in the Budyonnovsk events); inexplicable fear, pain in the right hypochondrium (duodenal ulcer), paroxysmal headaches in the occipital region, nightmares, and if woken up in order to somehow calm him down, he rushed to fight (like N.), constant “aching” pain in the cervical region spine, aggressiveness, especially after drinking alcohol. The therapeutic frequency was not selected using AMRT; the “Threshold” was used. Only on the fourth day (session) did the headache begin to hurt less, but the pain seemed to move to the frontal part, and the pain in the cervical spine suddenly disappeared (these are all his words). I came to the sixth session after a sleepless night due to an inexplicable feeling of strong fear and anxiety - a period of “exacerbation”. We did a repeat biotest. They began to select the frequency, the body “responded” - a feeling of lightness, weightlessness in the body, and fell asleep. 20 minutes later, waking up, he said strange, at first glance, words: “Finally, the light has become colored, not white.” It turned out that during the storming of the hospital in Budennovsk, he was struck by white flags (according to his concepts, the color of the world). The incompatibility of all these events: the assault, the shooting, sick people and bandits behind them - and all this against the backdrop of white flags in the windows of the hospital. Such a post-traumatic complex in his personal subconscious influenced his psychosomatic health and behavioral activity. The ulcer has healed, is asleep, and the headaches are gone. He was from the Krasnodar region, now works in security, where he passed the appropriate tests for professional suitability. He did not pass the millimeter-wave puncture before entering the same place. G.L.S. (65 years old) - a consequence of a terrorist attack; fear of falling asleep, fear, feeling of constant suffocation (I was in the hospital for two months - to no avail). After the explosion, she was admitted to the hospital with a feeling of suffocation (diagnosed as an attack of bronchial asthma). But nothing has changed in 2 months; a constant feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath and, in addition, some kind of smell that haunts everywhere (remember A.). The correction began with the selection of an individual frequency, there was no “response”. They began to influence the “Threshold”. For the fourth session, there was a period of “exacerbation”. Everything began to hurt, it seemed that both the things that had not hurt before coming to us, and the things that hurt ten years ago (these are her words). That day there was a severe attack of suffocation. We did repeated biotesting, began to influence the causative points, by the end of this session it became easier to breathe and, most importantly, the “haunting” smell disappeared. From that moment on, everything went smoothly. During the explosion, she felt some kind of smell (probably hexagen) and, against the background of this smell, a feeling of suffocation. Choking was not “removed” with medications, and they never could have been - it was the negative “work” of the post-traumatic complex in the subconscious against the background of fear and the smell of an explosion. And millimeter-wave puncture “erased” the smell and the suffocation disappeared. Previously, she couldn’t cook (fry) food, but now she does. V. (9 years old) (according to her mother) - a consequence of a terrorist attack; fear of darkness and loneliness, afraid to fall asleep, complains of pain in the navel area. He began to be capricious, cry for no reason, his academic performance decreased, and a constant cough appeared (they tried to treat with medications, but to no avail). Before us, he underwent medical and psychological rehabilitation. After the test, they applied the “Threshold”. After the second session, his mother said that he was complaining that he was “shaking.” After the conversation it turned out that when the explosion occurred, he
