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In the last article, I wrote about the reasons that lead us to be led by scammers, but fortunately, all the reasons can be worked with and the risks can be minimized. Why not to 0? Because we are all living people and even the most emotionally stable person carries his own pain at certain periods of life, which scammers often use to catch their victims. Today I want to talk about specific techniques and recommendations that will help resist scammers. Recommendations: 1️⃣ First, What you should always remember is critical thinking. It is fundamentally ingrained in us, but due to social norms of behavior and psychological manipulation, it can be easily bypassed if you do not specifically return your attention to checking the facts. Critical thinking consists of your conscious knowledge and in the absence of unshakable authority. That is. in any business, you must understand what you are doing and why. 2️⃣ You also need to develop emotional intelligence and emotional stability. Always remember that any healthy communication should be based on mutual benefit, respect and clarity. If you feel that something is not ok, then something is wrong! Learn to hear yourself. 3️⃣ Always try to regain control of the conversation - this will prevent you from chatting. The ability to maintain control in a conversation, of course, depends on the emotional state and the ability to engage critical thinking. Chatting has 2 goals: 1 - so that you lose touch with your analytical thinking (gypsies on the street always used this technique) 2 - so that you doubt your competence and blindly mistook the interlocutor for an authority on the proposed topic (and necessarily took advantage of the “help”, service, product) Neither the first nor the second is compatible with a quality product, service and help, trustful communication. 4️⃣ It is important (and this will help in many areas) to instill the habit of never do not take hasty actions. Always give yourself time to make decisions. At this time, check the rationality and necessity of this or that action, try to find a truly expert in your matter or study the opinions of several (hang up and call the bank service, check the Internet for information on the services or goods offered, etc.) Specific techniques: 1️⃣ Stop communication without guilt. If you already understand that a scammer is talking to you, don’t waste time and just stop communication - hang up, walk by, etc. 2️⃣ Endless questions. Constant questions, clarifying, asking the same thing several times, knock the scammers off their malipulative plan. A the ability to pose a question that requires a meaningful and detailed answer activates your own intellectual efforts, allows you to replenish your energy and give time to restore your emotional background. 3️⃣ Retelling what is happening. Here you simply retell in your own words, from your point of view, what the manipulators are doing or asking you to do “That is, you call me during working hours and threaten over the phone with criminal liability for actions that I did not commit. In addition, you want me, without telling anyone, to transfer all my money to accounts unknown to me. Did I understand you correctly?” Such a technique helps you see the situation in reality and, if you previously doubted the impure intentions of your interlocutor, then after speaking everything becomes more obvious. 4️⃣ Emotional control. We always feel something is wrong and our brain and body try in every possible way to give us signals, but we ignore them. Here important, important and necessary: ​​(1) notice your own emotion (2) voice the emotion and the reason for its occurrence (3) accept / approve - what I feel is normal (4) Thank yourself, your body for this emotion and the fact that you noticed her. Having completed all the previous actions, our emotional state stabilizes, and we can adequately analyze what is happening and restore our boundaries, stop the manipulation using other techniques described above. I invite you to a consultation where we will find
