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The concept of “psychotherapy” and “consulting” has long been heard by everyone. But not everyone knows what “coaching” and “art coaching” are. At least among my clients, many simply do not understand the meaning of these words. However, the concept of coaching has existed in linear time for a long time and has firmly established itself as a very effective method, although not within the framework of psychology, but within the framework of sports. However, this only proves its effectiveness, especially in relation to the human psyche. Coaching (English coaching - training, training) - moving into psychology, turned out to be very useful in effectively achieving work with a client to solve set goals, expressed in specific results. Competent goal setting and effective building of ways to achieve it in collaboration with a coach helps a person achieve a solution to his problem in a shorter time than in a single decision. The main difference between coaching and regular counseling is that the coach helps the client realize that he has enormous potential to achieve the goal is that every person has a unique internal resource, which we often underestimate. What does art therapy and art coaching have to do with it? But here’s what: Art therapy is a very flexible and effective tool for working with a person’s inner world. Having awakened the creative principle within himself, a person activates and uses his deep resources of his psyche, necessary to achieve his goal. By creating something new, surprising and attractive, a person develops those sides of his personality that are usually not involved in everyday life; art awakens those parts of the brain that are responsible for searching for everything new or long forgotten. Remember how, as a child, you could completely devote yourself to a task, which fascinated you. You weren't afraid of what people would say or how long it would take - you just enjoyed the process. Further, the evaluation system at school, at college, in life has introduced into your life not only an element of competition, but has taught you to sacrifice your desires for the sake of other people's goals. In the everyday race for survival, you have ceased to be yourself. Art helps you return to yourself, to your real self. Coaching + art therapy = art coaching. Art coaching is the most effective tool for working with a variety of client requests. It allows a person, using his natural potential, to solve difficult problems as effectively as possible in a fairly short time. Conventional tests and algorithms cannot work with all people in the same way; sometimes they fail and give incorrect results. In this regard, creative works are more informative and true, since they give access to a person’s subconscious, revealing his true needs and talents, revealing his true self. Only creativity can influence a person smoothly and carefully, making adjustments carefully and non-traumatically. So, a person, for example, drawing a series of small drawings, works through his attitudes unconsciously and is surprised only after realizing what happened. Isn’t this a miracle of art therapy?! Do you want to learn how to solve your problems in art style? I will help you master art therapy techniques in practice through individual coaching. To do this, just leave a request on the website https://nataliaz-art.ru/ and I will contact you for further work or leave a request here.
