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I decided to make this note after I read another article about an unfortunate child who had a stomach ache, where the author of the article does not give an answer about the cause of the pain, vainly lumping into a heap all that came up in his memory psychological foundations. There are many articles of this kind, and each author manages to make his own diagnosis that would explain the origin of the pain. Fortunately, these are entirely psychologists; everything is always good with their wording and blurring of information. The fact is that this problem is really widespread; abdominal pain haunts not only children, but also adults. And in general, age doesn’t matter here, I’ve had to work with both and the problem is always the same. There can indeed be many causes of pain, but only if the pain is not psychosomatic. Abdominal pain or Gastralgia can be a sign of many diseases. There are somatic, visceral and referred types of pain. You can read more about this in gastroenterology textbooks. This is what is called science. Everything is very clear there - I took the test and found out. Now let’s move into the foggy world of psychology. For some reason, many believe that a person’s condition can be interpreted this way and that, and the cause of psychosomatics can be designated as one pleases. So this is not so. When it comes to abdominal pain that is NOT associated with any injuries, infections, neoplasms and other proven medical problems, then we will ALWAYS talk about fear, which, by poisoning the nervous system of the body, creates tension blocks in the lower abdomen. It is the lower abdomen that is the end point of suppressing fear in the physical body, fear will accumulate in the muscles of the body, forming tension blocks that will not only feed the unconscious part of a person, causing in him a constant feeling of threat and generating anxiety, but also giving rise to diseases of nearby organs, the very notorious psychosomatics .The Internet is filled with lists in which we are proudly pointed out that abdominal pain can be the cause of many internal contradictions, hundreds of unresolved internal conflicts can be a source of psychosomatic pain, it comes to the point of absurdity when the authors claim that the problem lies in a person’s low earnings. Perhaps the author is hinting to us that a person with little income will eat poorly, as a result of which his tummy will hurt. Truly a brilliant psychological move! Well, if a person’s unsatisfactory earnings are associated with stomach pain, then again, only out of fear of possible impoverishment. It is fear that will be the basis of inexplicable, coming and going, and sometimes chronic abdominal discomfort. Of course, against the background of prolonged pain, hypochondriacal moods, weakness, paresthesia, psychogenic diarrhea, etc. can be involved. But the basis of everything will be fear, poisoning the nervous system. Remember yourself before the interview - your stomach is cramping, this happens unconsciously, if of course you want to get work. Desire always brings with it fear. And it will go into the stomach. Schoolchildren before a test and artists before going on stage, soldiers on the battlefield or medical students before dissection are often forced to suppress the feeling of nausea. Yes, indeed, if a child has a stomach ache and feels sick in the morning, this is due to rejection and aversion to school . It is no coincidence that in the novel “Nausea” by Jean-Paul Sartre, this same nausea appears as an unambiguous symbol of the disgustingness of the entire surrounding world. But this state will still be based on fear, it is precisely because of it that the child cannot feel part of this world. The world, in particular school and peers, scare the child, but he, who does not fully understand what is happening to him, however, like an adult, he proceeds from the formulations available to him: “I don’t want to go there, because it’s bad there.” The child is very afraid of school, kindergarten and other “entertainment establishments”, and this unconscious fear, which must be found?
