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Hedonism. Greed. Greed. By hedonism in my articles I mean the endless need to obtain pleasure by any means, at the least cost. Pleasure can be different, from biological (food, sex, relaxation) to complex psychological (money, power, prestige). This desire is not dangerous if it is normal (while stopped by a sense of proportion). But problems arise if it is leading in life or prevails over all other needs. The fact is that biologically we can only get a certain, limited amount of pleasure in life (especially biological) without further damage to the body and, or psyche. The principle “you have to pay for everything” works here 100%; any receipt beyond our capabilities requires payment for it (suffering, illness, neuroses). Greed, and even more so greed, greatly enhances the receipt of pleasure by any means, at the least cost, turning a person into a pleasure “addict”. He will stop at nothing to get the next portion of pleasure. In this regard, moral regulators completely disappear from his life, and in their place are his own, selfish rules aimed at satisfying the unlimited desire for pleasure. It is important to note that the feeling of pleasure itself cannot be fixed in the psyche; after possessing an object that brings it, pleasure disappears, and the need to re-strive for this object appears. The simplest examples illustrating hedonism are overeating (a consequence of obesity and other problems). with health), the principle of pleasure from food operates here, compensating for problems in life; gambling addiction, drug addiction, sexual deviations (many of them are built on this principle). Gradually, saturation with normal, physiological sex is replaced by forms that are further and further from the norm, but which bring pleasure, because... they are new (temporarily saturation does not occur), which ultimately leads to serious sexual perversions or impotence (this is not its only cause). Examples of complex psychological pleasure include obsession with money, power, status. Receiving psychological pleasure from superiority over people, from increased self-esteem, a sense of confidence, and significance in society, a person cannot stop the endless pursuit of these goals. As a result, such a person turns into a machine for accumulating and possessing (power, status), remaining chronically dissatisfied, making enemies, becoming demoralized, coming to total dissatisfaction at the end of his life, never achieving what he strived for. Hedonism has a logically understandable place in our life. It is normal to strive for pleasure and comfort, but with a serious caveat. The laws of nature and our psyche suggest for a normal life (without mental suffering, neuroses), living all feelings equally (or almost equally), negative and positive, bringing pleasure. Promote pathological hedonism, low level of self-control, awareness, weak will, ignorance, obsession hedonic goals, the desire for a comfortable life with the least effort, or without it at all. Test...1.What is hedonism? a) obtaining pleasure using a lot of effort b) insignificant needs in life c) obtaining pleasure by any means, with the least cost + d) renunciation of pleasure 2. What increases the desire to receive pleasure by any means? a) greed and greed + b) suffering, illness c) moral regulators d) own principles 3. What does oversaturation with pleasure lead to? a) satisfaction with life b) dissatisfaction with life + c) gambling addiction, drug addiction, sexual deviations, obesity + d) low self-esteem 4. What contributes to pathological hedonism? a) high level of self-control, strong will b) low
