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Every day we are deeper and deeper into autumn. Scarves, rare outbreaks of heat, an acute shortage of sun and the approaching winter. And as a result - apathy, loss of strength, reluctance to get out from under a warm blanket and part with coffee, which during this period does not even invigorate. But you have to go to work or study. A feeling of hopelessness, a feeling of some unclear loss, withering and melancholy are conditions that each of us has encountered in September at least once in our lives. “Autumn depression” - so, beautifully, these unclear feelings are defined among people. Theories of origin When we talk about “autumn depression,” we most often mean the seasonal blues of an ordinary healthy person (and therefore I want to write “autumn depression” exclusively in quotation marks), and not a disease, which true depression is. That's how we are made. We live through spring with fireworks of sweet emotions inside, despite widespread vitamin deficiencies, summer - with serenity and tranquility, we experience winter furtively and quickly, occasionally enjoying the huge flakes of snow under the evening lanterns... But autumn for most of us stands apart - few people experience it I’m sincerely glad, except maybe the photographers, and that’s because of the beautiful shots. We live through the spring with fireworks of sweet emotions inside, despite widespread vitamin deficiency, summer – with serenity and peace, we experience winter furtively and quickly, occasionally rejoicing at the huge flakes of snow under the evening lanterns ...There are many theories about the origin of “autumn depression” - neither psychologists nor doctors have a common opinion. Some blame short daylight hours, which deprive a person of the sun's rays due to him. Others are body functions that “seasonally” slow down during this time period. Still others believe that the “September 1st syndrome” is to blame - 10 years at school, and then at a university (or even more than one) in September we had to say goodbye to carefree holidays and start working. Others, apparently very poetic in nature, believe that everything is to blame for the parallels that a person draws between nature and his own life, in which there are often problems: the leaves leave the trees just like my beloved - me... This makes you laugh, but for some it is reality, all-consuming, terrible and very real. Agree, all these points of view have the right to life, each, if you dig deep, is truthful and justified. In my opinion, all these factors exist, and in the fall they simply link together and create such a tight rope that ties some, especially sensitive ones, hand and foot. Why even the desire to leave the house disappears. Autumn is like insomnia: recipes for fighting. I don’t want to give trivial advice in this section. You know for sure that it is useful to play sports, buy a new dress and eat fruit. I want to suggest that you take advantage of autumn depression, if it has befallen you. It’s like insomnia: you’re supposed to sleep, but you want to stay awake. It’s the same here: you need to move, work; but I want to drink tea, lie down, reflect, remember something and delve into myself. But, you see, we can wait out insomnia in different ways. You can lie on your bed with your eyes tightly closed, turning from side to side, and suffer from the fact that you cannot sleep. Or you can stop worrying about the lack of sleep, get out of bed and... go cook a meal, read a book, look out the window, in general - spend time usefully and not torment yourself since you still can’t sleep. What I mean is that you can give yourself official permission for temporary seasonal blues, if neither dress nor sports help.... You can give yourself official permission for temporary seasonal blues. The question is how to live through this blues. Quitting work, locking yourself in a room and not eating - this option is unproductive and destructive, naturally. But spend an evening or two thinking about your own life, reading a book, going for a walk alone, doing yoga - why not? Being sad and delving into yourself is also very useful. This is experience, this is new
