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Smile at yourself in the mirror, give a smile to a loved one or passerby. When you smile, you glow like the sun. No matter how old you are. Cuddle the cat. It doesn’t matter that he has a dissatisfied face. He has such an image - to be harmful. Delicious food and a warm bed are your contribution to his carefree life) Well, he has already begun to purr songs for you. Take a deep breath and exhale with relief. Do you want to do it again? You can! Go for a quick run if your body asks. Continue any movement that you seem to start doing but stop. Straighten up if you are sitting crookedly or hunched over when walking. Chest wheel) Look into the eyes of the waiter in a cafe when ordering. Ask a "stupid" question. Try to believe someone. And try to say NO to someone) And YES to someone, that’s exactly what I want. Only if it’s safe, for now... Then it will be easier. Sit in a chair freely - in a way you have never allowed yourself to do. You can even put your hands behind your head and cross your legs. (You don't have to try it at work, though...) Sing something in the shower. Straight from the heart, your favorite song. Do a couple of dance steps while you clean. You figure out why you didn’t become a dancer... Allow yourself to have a snack not at your workplace, but in a calm environment. Allow yourself to have a snack, this is important, you will not go without. Sit down, sit down, for 5 minutes. Just. Imagine, this is possible. Take a walk, at least one stop, SLOWLY, counting the crows, inhaling every breath of fresh air! Look at the sky, the clouds - they have always been and will always be. If there are clouds, that’s great, it won’t be hot. Take a walk in the spring rain, it’s great! It's okay, dry off later... Okay, you can use an umbrella, but don't miss the puddles) Keep your head up! You deserve to love yourself by birthright. Walk part of the way to work or home as if you were a model on the catwalk. Beautiful. You can even try allowing yourself to go to bed early today. And without even finishing any work. And even if you don’t want to sleep brutally yet and you don’t fall off your feet yet. This is possible. Admire yourself in the mirror - you are beautiful! Dedicated to all those who are gradually recovering from cPTSD. You will succeed)
