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From the author: an article from the course “Wishes Fulfilled. Getting Ready for the New Year.” The full course of classes can be found on the website of the Center for Positive Psychology "SO! Are you a wizard? Properties of a wizard. From the series "Making New Year's wishes come true." We continue the topic of creating the mood to fulfill what we want and today we bring to your attention an article about what properties a real wizard should have , for whom all wishes are fulfilled easily, quickly and with joy. Are you a wizard? 42 properties of a wizard! SO for a wizard - this is an accelerator and a catalyst. 2. The Wizard does not listen and does not dive into complaints, problems, bad news. If someone tries to load the wizard with his whining, he simply says “Get out, Blockhead!” And he turns his attention to something more constructive. 3. If the wizard really wants something, he immediately imagines the emotions that he will feel when he gets what he wants. He mentally plunges into the future where the desire has already been fulfilled, and catches everything. sounds, all colors, all thoughts and sensations in this state.4. The wizard does not give free rein to his fears, fears are for losers! The wizard is lucky!5. The wizard knows that he will be lucky; if he is unlucky, it means he was lucky in something else (for example, he missed the bus, was late for work, but met a friend on the next bus, and the boss also came later).6. If 2 or 3 unpleasant moments happened in the morning, the Wizard does not generalize and does not predict “well, it’s a bad day!” On the contrary, now it will definitely be immensely lucky, because... Some of the troubles have already passed, and see the previous paragraph.7. The wizard smiles at everyone around him!8. The wizard is confident that he will succeed. He simply believes in his World, and that all options are ready for him. All he has to do is choose, and he makes the choice by formulating desires and performing rituals.9. The magician formulates clearly, without doubt.10. The wizard is not shy about other people, tightness is for losers! He smiles at everyone while performing the ritual, he laughs, and he doesn’t care what skeptics and hypocrites think about him!11. The wizard does not blame anyone for anything. He himself is not to blame, and no one is to blame. If something happened, it means it will lead to something. And everything always leads to good things, because the wizard is lucky.12. The wizard has a lot of talents! He writes poetry, draws, sings, dances, and it doesn’t matter what happens, the main talent is a fascinating process! The wizard does not seek praise and evaluation from experts, he simply creates when he is in the mood for it!13. Where an ordinary person simply walks or sits, a wizard casts a spell! An ordinary person thinks the same caring or empty thoughts every day, but a wizard mentally creates his own world. He gives flowers to the girls he sees, grows bouquets of dandelions on the heads of harmful (only at first glance) bores, and also does many stupid things, raising his mood and energy.14. Wizards communicate with wizards, exchange positivity, rituals, successful and funny stories, arrange joint walks and trips into nature.15. Wizards don't believe in boundaries, if you're born poor... you can become anything you want! If you were a C student... you can make a great discovery! If you are not very handsome... you can find sincere and true love! Why not? Why not me? And who said it’s impossible?!16. Wizards love what they do and do what they love.17. A wizard's education does not end at 17 or 20 years old; a wizard is always learning! He learns from life examples, he explores new areas or improves in one chosen one. The wizard never stops at what he has achieved in knowledge and skills.18. The wizard never stops there. The life of a wizard is movement and growth. While ordinary people go with the flow, complaining about oncoming stones, the wizard directs the flow of his
