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Author: Vitaly Pichugin Source: http://www.nlplife.ru/ It’s a good habit to marry and marry for love. The newlyweds unanimously declare that they love each other. Well, okay, I believe it. Twenty years of involvement in divorce proceedings have not reconciled my belief in all that is good with the reality of all that is bad. Let me give you a typical case of divorce; as always, it began with a wedding. She married out of hatred. The girl dreamed of evacuating from her parents; she hated them. There was a reason for it. The father is a quiet alcoholic, the mother is a loud hysteric. I wanted to run away from such a family, no matter where. But girls love to get married. When life doesn't work out, children's fairy tales remind every girl that there must be a deliverer who will come and take her from the lair of a friendly family of hysterics and alcoholics. The feeling of hatred for parents helped to fall in love with any male individual who has a living space separate from his ancestors. Such an individual was found quickly. The individual wanted sex, the apartment was equipped with a large bed and three boxes with bottles, which contained foam for putting girls to bed - champagne. She fell in love with him immediately after the first sex, because he offered to live at his house for a week, because he liked it too. The girl was ready to settle down in his apartment under any conditions. The conditions were simple: regular sex and fun for a week. He didn't want anymore. There was already another lover of physical friendship in mind. But girls get pregnant faster than they fall in love. She succeeded instantly, which made her future father happy. From the impression made by such news, the young man inflicted moderate bodily injuries on the girl, which became the reason for his desire to get married. • Of course, not right away. At first there was a statement to initiate a criminal case, then everything was settled peacefully. The guy didn’t want to go to prison, he went to the registry office. The most sincere feeling for my future wife was hatred. After all, his life began so well. The parents bought an apartment, which was filled with champagne and girls, and now a pregnant bastard is sitting in the apartment, which means the end of a variety of sex and fun. He also heard a lot of unpleasant words from his parents. He was silent, nodded his head, and hated. But what can you do, they provided the money to resolve the issue of terminating the criminal case, and they also resolved the issue itself. They decided everything. Which institute to study at, where to buy an apartment, who to marry. He who pays is the one who educates and makes decisions. • This aroused the fierce hatred of the twenty-five-year-old idiot. By the way, the wedding was also arranged by the parents, so that it would be like everyone else’s. The marriage of hatred was successful. After expressing their consent to live in love and other difficulties, the newlyweds were ringed and signed a promise of eternal love. For five years they suffered from a happy family life. Sometimes they beat each other. After the child appeared, the two of them beat him. The parents of the young fell into a sluggish feud, divided their grandson, gave advice on how best to raise their spouse, and had fun in other ways accepted in such cases. One fine evening, a married couple decided that before they killed each other, they had better part amicably. The following circumstance helped us to part ways amicably. A quiet alcoholic, his wife's father, smoked in bed and burned down the apartment with his wife. He himself died a week later in the hospital. The amicable desire for divorce ran into financial differences. The wife demanded money to repair the burnt apartment and threatened to prohibit her husband from seeing his son, and also wanted to regularly receive alimony in sufficient quantities for a comfortable life. The husband was ready to pay, but he never learned how to earn money. Therefore, we decided to go to court to resolve the differences. After long court hearings, which took away my faith in humanity, a simple solution was found. The husband’s mother, who is also the mother-in-law, really wanted to play grandma and raise her grandson, so she blew the minds of her husband – who is also the grandfather – who agreed.
