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We are not always reciprocated. There are many examples when a person is in love, when he tries to win the reciprocal affection of the object of his love, but all to no avail. Yes, he did everything he could. And perhaps even more than I could. Yes, I tried. I approached the situation from different angles. But the door was still closed. They won't wait for you there. A person has his own life, his own object of affection. He doesn’t see you next to him. When you understand for sure that this is the final “no”, when there is no longer any chance of reunion, then it’s time to just let go. 1) People for a long time refuse to honestly admit the facts to themselves. It’s difficult to give up illusions and expectations. I don’t want to leave the beautiful, albeit fictional, Universe. But an honest recognition of the facts is the only opportunity to stand firmly on my feet and take adequate steps. 2) Due to the fact that knocking on a closed door for a long time, they simply waste their last strength and waste time. Works “ “casino effect”, when a person continues to make new bets in the hope that there will be a win soon. But the second side is indifferent, the second side has its own plans. You gave all your energy and time, but in the end you received nothing. 3) The longer you live in illusions - the more painful it is to descend into reality. But sooner or later you will have to do this just for the sake of your future. The sooner you take a step, the more time you will free up. 4) It is important to learn to refocus and switch Yes, it may easily not work out the first time. But it is very important to use self-discipline and help yourself get out of this. 5) Sooner or later you have to accept defeat Many people perceive refusal as defeat. Even if this is so, then one specific defeat is not the same as a loss of happiness as such and a failure in life. 6) Remember that there are always alternatives. There are other paths, there are other people, there are other relationships. Allow yourself to look around, see other options. 7) Let go so that you have something new and meaningful in your life. It is important to make room in your life, in your mind and in your heart. Otherwise, you will never be able to appreciate the people who will come into your life. Vera Bokareva, psychologist, sexologist, doctor of scientific sciences. Sign up for a consultation: WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram: +7-963-231-37-12 / verabo.ru
