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- Please help! He has no one. No one at all. And I'm old, very old. How will he live? What will happen to him next? I beg you, do something! He has neither a wife nor children. Not a single relative except me! Home visit. Psychological and speech therapy work. A man, not old. 49 years old. The stroke happened six months ago. Well, we'll see. It's winter. Evening. Apartment. Table. Armchair. There is a creature in the chair. The face is not visible. Solid wool. Somehow I saw the eyes. Behind the glasses. Dull, lifeless. What about speech? She's gone. One word “Mom!” So, that’s not bad! There are two sounds! You can start with them. But how to establish contact? How can I make him believe me? He gave up on himself! But a truck driver, a biker! (And, of course, by accident, absolutely by accident, there was a spark plug lying around in my purse)). - M.A., please tell me, what is this? Do you recognize it? I give it to him. He takes it carefully. He looks at it for a long, long time and suddenly bursts out: “Mom, mom, mom, damn it, mom, mom, damn it, mom!” He even tries to sit up in his chair... Ugh! Contact has been established. - M.A., do you agree to work? He doesn’t understand. Well, no problem, let's start. The doctors pulled him out, and then we need to help him recover, but there is no one. He doesn't understand his mother. The stroke is very severe - I have practically lost my memory, I can’t understand anything, I can’t write, I can’t count, I can’t read, I can’t speak; does not recognize objects, does not see colors. And in addition, very strong aggression. Mom is standing at the door, looking with hope: - Please do something!!!! He's young! I somehow managed to persuade him to call a specialist to see him. He throws away all the pills! The masseur is not allowed on the doorstep! Please don't refuse! I will die - what will happen to him? The first months were just hell. For me, for him, for mom. And at the end of the month - the first success: I come - in a chair - a neatly dressed, clean-shaven man. -M. A., but you are very, very cute! Mom proudly: - This is the one for you! I shaved and cut my hair myself! Two years have passed since then. Classes are held regularly. Speaks, reads, writes. He understands absolutely everything and is able to make decisions. We use everything new in neurotransforming for a speedy recovery. Recovery is going very quickly. Transferred from the first to the second group. One thing is bad. He categorically refuses to do anything on his own. Only together. But it’s okay, we’ll get out! And, the latest news, I bought myself a watch. Good.
