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"The three sources of our happiness and self-esteem are who you are, what you have and how you look in the eyes of others." - Arthur SchopenhauerArthur Schopenhauer, the famous German philosopher, expressed deep wisdom in this quote that reveals the sources of human happiness and self-esteem. Let's look at each of these sources and try to understand how they influence our lives.1. Who you are (self-understanding): Our own understanding of ourselves is the first source of our happiness. This includes our beliefs, values, fears and dreams. When we are clearly aware of our strengths and weaknesses, we can better navigate life and make more informed decisions. Self-understanding also helps us find sources of personal satisfaction and happiness within ourselves, rather than depending on external circumstances.2. What do you have (material and spiritual wealth): Material and spiritual wealth are also important for our sense of happiness. Material resources provide us with comfort and security, and spiritual wealth provides meaning and fulfillment in life. However, it is important to remember that happiness is not always equal to the number of possessions you have. It's more about how you use what you have and how it aligns with your values.3. How you appear to others (social acceptance): Social acceptance and admiration from others can also affect our self-esteem and happiness. We, as social creatures, crave social connection and approval from others. However, it is worth remembering that trying to always please everyone can lead to stress and loss of personal identity. Happiness, in fact, most often lies in being true to yourself, rather than catering to the expectations of others. It is worth noting that the philosopher expressed skepticism about the second and third sources of happiness, suggesting focusing on the first point - “Who you are” or self-understanding. He believed that true happiness lies in awareness and acceptance of oneself, regardless of material wealth or social recognition. Schopenhauer emphasized that other sources of happiness, such as the possession of material things and the desire to receive recognition from others, can be illusory and lead to disappointment. He suggested giving up excess desire for them in order to avoid suffering and achieve a deeper inner state of contentment. However, it is important to remember that Schopenhauer's approach is only one philosophical point of view, and his point of view is not necessarily the only correct one. Different people find happiness in different ways, and for some, material wealth or social recognition may be important. Ultimately, each of us has our own unique path to happiness and self-development, and this may include different aspects of our lives and our own philosophy. I, for one, think that true happiness probably lies in the harmony between these three sources.
