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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, which you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube and typing “Afanasyeva Liliya.” I want to share with you my observation and conclusions that I made while consulting clients as a family psychologist, sexologist and psychotherapist their sexual female and male problems. Sometimes even the most harmless situations leave an imprint on female sexuality and contribute to problems with orgasm (anorgasmia) or lack of sexual desire (alibidemia). Here, for example, is a recent story from my psychotherapeutic practice. A girl could not grow up, she felt like a girl in sex -as a teenager, hence the stuckness in the erotic phase of female sexuality. Often such women are characterized by a decreased desire for sex, or its complete absence (alibidemia). There was also a story about the first sex, which did not make any impression on the girl, and further relationships were built on a feeling of pity, hence the difficulties and sexual problems for women. In addition, my client’s second sexual partner had male sexual problems with potency and erection, which can be characterized as ATS (anxious anticipation of sexual failure syndrome), which also lowered the girl’s self-esteem and increased the problem of anorgasmia. Having previously worked on female sexual the problems of my client from Moscow, we managed to achieve positive changes, and now she came to see me again, and here work of a different plan had already begun, it was the topic of marriage. Time passed, I finally wanted to get married and have children. But somehow everything didn’t work out: either the man didn’t suit him, or she didn’t match him. And now, she realized that all this was not without reason, and there was probably some kind of problem behind it. And so it turned out. I have already previously worked with her as a psychologist, sexologist and psychotherapist. I would like to say that my client has many different karmic and psychogenetic stories that we are solving. And now the existing problem had its roots in the distant past, when the girl was not even alive. The first thing the client remembered was the following: “in my family, somehow, there was always a problem in this regard. For example, my grandmother and grandfather were *not a couple*, my mother and father were the same, and something is wrong with me...” I helped her enter the first problematic memory, and she saw the story of a girl who belonged to her feminine gender . The girl was Armenian, and the guy was Russian. They got married, but the marriage did not work out. Further, it turned out that the parents were initially against such a marriage, but the girl was wayward, she often conflicted with her parents, and then she married them to spite them. We changed the situation, giving it rationality, new behavior and understanding, which often *to spite* someone, it turns out – to spite ourselves. And as a result of such work, we removed from my client the hereditary belief that said: “it didn’t work out,” filling it with a new one: “compatibility in a couple.” Then came the story that the client’s mother told, she said that her mother-in-law was against their marriage, and often said: “You are not a match for us, we pulled you out of the mud...” From here the girl received (based on her mother’s negative experience) the conviction: “I, too, may not be a match for someone.” Now she has come to the realization that her grandmother at that time would not have liked any daughter-in-law, since she loved her son very much and idolized him. Surely you yourself know a lot.
