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From the author: In Belarus it is still in its infancy. In Russia it is already in full swing. What do you think? So, the Commissioner for Children’s Rights of the Russian Federation Pavel ASTAKHOV publicly stated “The issue of preserving the blood family - the main state issue" and "The work of modern guardianship authorities has led to the fact that there are more orphans in modern Russia than after the Great Patriotic War." We are, of course, primarily talking about those 22 regions of the country where the cannibalistic law on juvenile justice is being tested. The work of the guardianship authorities in those places causes nervous tremors in any normal person. However, even in zones free from “juvenile hunting” of children, informational and practical preparations are in full swing for the introduction of this sadistic, so to speak, justice in “undeveloped” (yet!) territories. For example, in the Kaluga region the possibility of introducing this procedure for weaning children from next year is being actively discussed. In the meantime, in Obninsk, Kaluga region, in all social and educational institutions there are posters with Smeshariki, in which various Nyushas, ​​Kroshas and other Sovunis form in children simply a fierce hatred of ALL parents. Let us explain that the plot line of this disgusting printing product consists of the relationship between offended, confused, downtrodden children and irritated, always screaming (with brutal faces), stomping their feet parents. The children are helped by kind and fluffy Smeshariki, who advise them to call the phone named after Pavlik Morozov (helpline) and inform on their parents. It is clear that the “child-loving” uncles and aunts at the “other” end of the phone will a little later arrange a demonstration “Room of Fears” for the parents of Pavlik Morozov, and the unlucky children, as a result, may well end up in an orphanage or an orphanage. This is what is now customary to do in similar situations in Russia, a country of “sovereign democracy.” “So, today, it is possible to remove a child (children) from an average family for the following reasons: – failure to attend the children’s dairy kitchen; – the child was not vaccinated in a timely manner; – housing in disrepair; – the apartment requires renovation; – the apartment is being renovated; – presence of pets in the house; – immoral behavior (being in underwear in the presence of a child. – A.Zh.); – untimely visits by doctors to the children's clinic; – toys and garbage are scattered on the floor; – lack of children’s toys in sufficient quantities; – the child plays with foreign objects instead of toys; – the child does housework, such as: washing dishes, sweeping and mopping floors, doing laundry, etc.; – the child is in the kitchen with the mother during the cooking process; – the child screams and cries loudly and often; – the refrigerator does not contain the entire range of products the child needs or the products are expired; – complaints from neighbors (or household members) about child abuse, including anonymous ones. Sheep’s clothing of juvenile justice Nowadays, a juvenile justice system that is destructive for families and society as a whole is being introduced into Russia. Hiding behind hypocritical slogans about protecting children's rights, in reality it is aimed at limiting the rights of parents as much as possible and removing children from normal, prosperous families. All technologies for the “legalized” abduction by social workers of any child from any family have already been developed and are gradually being introduced into Russian legislation. And in parallel, hysterical campaigns are being conducted in the media to program public consciousness, instilling in us that the family is the main place of cruelty and violence against children, which means that children need to be “protected” from their main “enemies” - their own parents. Already, some amendments to our laws make it possible to select children from almost any family. And there are many examples of unlawful removal of children in Russia.!
