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This will be the third and final part of the article “Anatomy of Psychosis”, and this part would be more correctly called “History of Psychosis”. The main reason for the current mass psychosis associated with the events around Ukraine was previously indicated. It consists in the habit of the average person to react to signals, instead of delving into the meanings. That is, a person today in his behavior prefers to act in much the same way as Pavlov’s legendary dog: he saw a light (option: he heard a bell) - salivation began. No rational analysis: simple conditioned reflexes. Pavlov’s dog, of course, does not realize that the bell may well ring even in the absence of food. Since I was taught that food is accompanied by a bell signal, for me “bell” now means “food.” But why doesn’t a person of the beginning of the 21st century realize this? A person of the Russian-speaking world, who grew up in the culture of I. Pavlov, M. Lomonosov, A. Pushkin and L. Tolstoy? Why for him words-signals and pictures-signals become sufficient grounds for not only immediately falling into a state of psychosis, but and with all our might to immerse those around us in the same state?..And here we discover an amazing picture. It turns out that we ourselves have been preparing and teaching this average person for the last thirty years. All our efforts, starting from the late 80s of the XX centuries, were, as the former Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Fursenko quite rightly noted, aimed at growing a human consumer instead of a human Creator. To do this, we extremely simplified the education system, introduced the Unified State Exam, flooded television and the Internet with idiotic content, forced a person to work sixteen hours come into contact with advertising per day: the most primitive, but at the same time the most ingenious way of introducing information into a person’s thinking, bypassing his rational control. We needed a Consumer. And we raised him. And the main task of the consumer is precisely to ensure that he responds to signals. I saw a happy family chewing salad together - I went and bought mayonnaise. I saw a smiling popular actor - I went and took out a loan. I heard any of the code words -signals tightly integrated into thinking - “country”, “taxes”, “covid”, “elections”, “Putin”, “salary”, “success”, “career”, “family” - went and did what dictated by this word, implemented the program that is launched by this signal... “Call” = “Food”. Remember? And then suddenly a completely non-standard situation happened, in which this particular consumer, accustomed to responding to signals, turned out to be completely helpless. For this situation presupposes the ability to at least minimal logical analysis. The kind that, say, a Soviet schoolchild was capable of, whose educational program included the subjects “Logic” and “Psychology”, and who, as a teenager, was able to isolate the particular from the general, and distinguish the cause from the effect. And he already fully understood the principles of operation of his own brain and nervous system. The modern consumer is still capable of arithmetic operations in order to count money. But when it comes to analyzing information and making decisions, it often turns out to be unsuitable for performing even the simplest operations. At this very moment, a failure occurs in the classical cognitive chain “incoming signal” - “interpretation of the signal” - “reaction to the signal”. The presence of This chain of the second, intermediate link is what distinguishes a person from Pavlov’s dog. And not only Pavlova, but in general... It is with the ability to interpret signals that modern man, I repeat, has trouble. And this misfortune is a consequence of a targeted policy in the field of his education and attitude towards his psychological health, which has been implemented in recent years. What to do? As a rule, in Russia there are three possible answers to this question: 1. “Get out of here before it’s too late.” The option, apparently, is no longer available. It's late...2. “Let the state change everything, and we will be happy.” By the way, it is possible that it will change. Because public...
