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From the author: Published on I don’t like to call falling in love the whole mixture that is usually called it. I call falling in love that sweet feeling that suddenly lights up in the chest in response to something cute or beautiful, or generally incomprehensible why, and illuminates everything it touches with a golden glow, makes every moment lived in it filled and very valuable, makes you open your eyes wide, and absorb, retain every detail, with your eyes, nose, skin... Slight dizziness, like when losing orientation in space, as in weightlessness. The desire to touch, hug, cuddle, dissolve, melt like a lump of sugar in tea, or like a light cloud that has barely appeared in a piercing blue sky... I do not call affection, jealousy, fanatical obsession, the desire to arrange a shared life, and other things that accompany it, love . All these things are on their own. They are not even an exclusive attribute of being in love. They always arise when we experience something very attractive, but it came not through our efforts, but as if from the outside, along with some object. And then, someone becomes attached to a girl or guy, someone becomes a fan of an idea, or a football club, or something else. In all these cases, there is the same thing: jealousy, and fear of loss (the idea, of course, cannot go away, but its bearers can be kicked out, from the community, for example), and the desire to possess the object, to arrange their life with it as comfortably as possible. In general, all the same problems that can be generally called the desire to possess. A person, society, status, creativity, attractive perceptions themselves... The difference is in the nuances, the essence of the phenomenon is the same. It would be very cool if love could be expressed openly when it exists, without fear of being misunderstood, will interpret your feelings as a desire to lay a paw on another, or permission to lay it on you. Perhaps this is much more important than the possibility of free sex, although often you want to express love in this way, because sex and caress are the closest physical actions to penetration and merging, the most natural expression of love. I have often heard from different people that falling in love is associated with sex , this is usually taken for granted. Girls usually say that falling in love occurs after sex, but for boys it often disappears after sex :) One way or another, it seems that falling in love is a derivative of sexual desire. Not so for me. Sex can be a manifestation of falling in love (and it’s very cool, it’s just awesome when it is like that!). But not the other way around. Falling in love begins in my chest, at first like a small warm spot. And only when it, expanding, captures the entire body, including its lower part, can sexual desire arise. Moreover, this desire is joyful, unobtrusive, it is pleasant to simply experience it, without even realizing it. And at the first stage of love, while it is only at the top: in the chest, head, hands - sex even seems somehow inappropriate. It’s not that fantasizing about sex was unpleasant, but it’s just that at this moment everything that doesn’t resonate with falling in love (and sexuality doesn’t resonate yet) seems untimely and distracts from what’s most attractive. It’s not always true that this stage can be noticed: love often manifests itself like an avalanche, quickly engulfing the entire being from head to toe. and then just as instantly and imperceptibly it can disappear and be forgotten, like a three-dimensional image in “magic pictures”. And this can happen many times. Nonsense - all the talk is that if love is gone, it is forever... It, like a condition, can come and go several times a day. And what is continuous is the memory of it, and the desire to experience it again and again. But when it goes away, then love simply cannot return, because the door has been slammed in front of it. And then there is the most awesome state, which I call falling in love with life. This is the same.
