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From the author: If the diagnostic aspects of a fashionable wardrobe lie on the surface, then the psychotherapeutic possibilities of fashion have not yet been sufficiently studied. At the same time, we can confidently say that fashion is a significant factor in positive changes both in the inner world of a person and in his relationships with the social environment. Today, it cannot be denied that clothes and style play a huge role in people's lives, whether they want it or not. By clothing you can tell a lot, if not everything (!), about a person, his personality, social activity, initiative, creativity, and lifestyle. By how a person approaches the choice of wardrobe, how often he changes it, how quickly he makes purchases, whether he needs support and approval of his choice, one can easily draw a conclusion about his life values, strategies, fears, anxieties, and self-esteem. In my practice, when you ask a client about a time when he felt confident, calm, irresistible or sexy, he will always note the significance of his clothes at that moment. He will remember in detail what he was wearing, in the smallest detail. Fashion definitely has its own functions that reflect the social and psychological aspects of a person's personality. This is, first of all: Attitude to a certain group, type of people; Social status, taste, lifestyle; Emotional state. Having fashionable clothing or an item makes a person feel much better; Sexual behavior. The color of clothing, shoe model, heel height, all kinds of decorative elements can tell a lot about a person’s sexuality. Development: by following fashion, a person develops, changes, is enriched with new knowledge, feelings and ideas. If the diagnostic aspects of a fashionable wardrobe lie on the surface, then psychotherapeutic possibilities fashions have not yet been sufficiently studied. At the same time, we can confidently say that fashion is a significant factor in positive changes both in the inner world of a person and in his relationships with the social environment. Psychotherapeutic functions of fashion: Relieving emotional stress. Knowing about the positive and negative properties of fashion, you can regulate your mood and achieve a feeling of psychological comfort. When a person knows how to choose clothes taking into account his individuality, it is easier for him to solve difficult life problems, communicate with people, receive attention and support from them. Self-confidence, self-esteem, acceptance of one’s own personality. Increased self-esteem. Positive assessments of others is a significant factor here that can incline a person towards developing interest both in his own person and in the social environment. Facilitating interaction in social communication, attracting interest in his personality. Improving relationships with other people. Situational defense mechanism. For example, a classic suit for men is a demonstration of the qualities that they value most - poise, self-confidence. Women also feel comfortable, confident, and diplomatic in a suit. So, a fashionable wardrobe is an important part of a person’s psychological state and this significant factor should be taken into account in therapeutic practice, both for the client and for the therapist.E. M. Remarque once wrote: “Clothing is something more than a fancy dress. In a new dress, a person becomes different, although this is not immediately noticeable... Clothes help a person more than any confessor, than friends, and even than a lover.... A hat that suits you serves as a greater moral support than a whole set of laws. .. In the finest evening dress, if it is beautiful, you cannot catch a cold, but it is easy to catch a cold in that dress that irritates you... In moments of difficult emotional experiences, dresses can be either good friends or sworn enemies.” And there is little to add here!
