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From the author: You can do it yourself. Think - How does Money come to you? - How long does it linger? - Does your Money tend to “multiply”? You can explore this using the technique described in the article: Your money triptych. Technique How do you calculate in which part of your body money energy lives? Concentrate and try to feel it. You can check your sensations using an alignment exercise Preparation Prepare blank sheets of A4 paper and write on them: Legs Arms Genital area Digestive system Lungs Heart Throat Neck Back/spine Head And on another sheet write the word “Money” "and draw an arrow. Algorithm of work. Place the sheet with the word “Money” in the middle of the room. Mix the rest of the sheets and lay them out “open” (with the inscriptions facing down). Get ready for work, “turn off your head,” take off your shoes and go to the sheet “Money” Look around without thinking , step on that sheet, with the inscription turned down, where you want. Track your feelings and sensations, rate them on a scale from 0 to 10 (you can write them down) and go back to the “money” sheet. “Reset to zero” and go back to the closed sheet, to keep track of what you feel there. In this way, until you go through all the sheets. After you go through all the sheets, turn over and look: - Where did you feel best? – this is most likely your strong area. - Where was it worst for you? – this is the place “where the clamps” of energy live. - Where the arrow pointing from the word “money” points is probably the easiest way for Money to come to you. The interpretation is simple and logical To make more money. They help or hinder you (depending on the result): Legs – responsible for action/inaction Hands – strengthen/weaken control Sexual area – manifest/calm passionate desire Digestive system – that something still needs to be “digested” Lungs – let go of something with ease, treat it easier Heart – invest/overeat, invest your soul Throat – talk more/less Neck – nod more/less/agree with the opinions of others Back/spine – do more/less hard work, bear or not bear the “cross” Head – are responsible for thought processes: strengthen/weaken This was my interpretation, but you can also focus on psychosomatics: PS Next time I’ll tell you about how to work with negative “money” attitudes. Read also: Chakra alignment or how to quickly get out of depression? Sign up for: Training “Basics of alignment methods in Skype counseling"
