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From the author: Again the first of September and again parents’ anxiety about the child’s performance and behavior at school. How do children upset their parents? "Unsuccessful!" About fear, which may be one of the reasons for this “failure”. I'll give you a few real stories. The heroes of these stories successfully move from class to class and have forgotten about what happened to them several years ago. A few short examples from my practice. The reason for bad behavior and poor performance was fear that spontaneously entered the child. In this case, it makes no sense to call on the student: Listen carefully in class. Teach! Answer! Raise your hand! Think when you write, decide, answer. Don’t upset parents! Yes, this is necessary, but to no avail if fear is present along with the child in the classroom and at home. Together with the heroes of the stories that ended happily, we learned to negotiate with fear, relieving stress after school everyday life and increasing the level of knowledge so that there was no reason for fear to return.. Now the children are healthy and successful! Vadim is a 1st grade student. I started studying with pleasure, but now he refuses to write and cries. “My fingers don’t obey me,” he tells his parents. The child starts crying every time he has to pee. Fear hides in his fingers, so he is afraid to write ugly letters in class, we found out during our conversation. Vlad is in 4th grade. He writes tests and dictations at "2". Receives positive marks in class and at the board. The reason turned out to be fear, and not laziness and inattention, as my mother thought. Vlad experiences panic during dictations and tests. He is sweating, his stomach is very cold and everything is shrinking. This first appeared in 2nd grade, but my parents did not pay attention to it. The teacher advised me to study more, of course, she was right! But the fear “black, dense and cold” settled in the boy’s stomach and prevented him from getting good results in class. During the test, fear intensified, energy was spent on maintaining this fear, and there was no longer enough energy to complete the educational task. The child lost his appetite and became “transparent.” The work was carried out simultaneously in two directions: a higher degree of assimilation of educational material, creating a situation of success during independent work and the realization that the place for “black, dense and cold” is not in the stomach, but at the bottom of the sea (that’s what Vlad decided). For Anton, A 4th grade student suffers from suffocation if he cannot immediately solve a problem. His fear, in the form of a hoop around his throat, appeared after the first time he doubted at the blackboard and did not answer the teacher’s questions. This was in third grade. Vadim began to often complain of a sore throat. Parents mistook this for colds and took action in this direction. There was no improvement. The complaints intensified and turned into attacks of suffocation. Using a test pattern, we determined the time and location of the cause. This was an unsuccessful answer at the blackboard, when the teacher who came instead of his beloved teacher called Anton to the blackboard. Due to excitement and an unusual situation, Anton failed to complete the task. “If I had been given time to think, I would have found the mistake and decided correctly,” he recalled. The new teacher did not give such an opportunity, looking at the magazine, where Anton had only A’s, he expressed doubts about his knowledge out loud: “You are probably V.N.’s favorite, you got A’s in the magazine, but you couldn’t solve the simplest problem at the board.” "David was happy to go to 1st grade. Two months later the situation changed. Every morning became agony for his parents and himself. He's slowly getting ready, taking his time. He goes to school with stops, complaining that his legs hurt. After school, the child becomes normal: smart, playful, active. The legs don't hurt. We found out with him that he has fear in his legs. He can't go to school quickly. This happened after the teacher once said: “Whoever misbehaves in class will stay in school until the evening.” Of course, children are dreamers, that’s what we decide
