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In this article we will continue to analyze the Myths and Legends that are used to justify excess weight :) We still have heredity, a “tummy” in middle age and childbearing; Heredity . Surely you have heard this: if your relatives are fat, then you will be fat too. If you were born into a family where everyone (or almost everyone) is curvy, this statement may turn out to be true. But think about how your family eats? What portions are given at the table? How is the food prepared, steamed or in oil? Did they require you to “clean” the plate in order to get something tasty? How do the holidays go in your family, at the table? What is most important for a holiday, a table full of goodies? Have you been taught since childhood that food is a reward, a holiday and a consolation? Maybe it wasn’t heredity that gave you your size, but a family eating habit? Heredity may determine your body type, but it is not responsible for excess fat! You need to learn new eating habits, become picky about food, and relearn how to eat properly. Yes, you can’t master it in 1 day, but step by step in 6 months you can completely change your eating habits and without stress on the body. “tummy” in middle age. After 30 years, many people tend to round their waist. All the efforts we make in the gym do not bring much benefit. The abdominal muscles may be strong, but the waist and belly are enlarged. Fat in this place can also be a consequence of stress. One of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands, cortisol, causes the accumulation of fat deposits specifically in the waist area. Can this be changed somehow? Yes, you can. There are several ways: include stress-reducing substances in your diet; combine gymnastics with relaxation. Yes, we need rest. Childbirth. Many people complain that they cannot lose the excess weight they gained during pregnancy. It's natural to gain weight during pregnancy and keep it off throughout the next year. Some women do not lose weight for a year after giving birth. The reason may be hormones, or also the fact that a woman begins to eat a lot due to postpartum stress. It's natural to gain weight while expecting a baby. But this does not mean at all that you cannot then lose weight. The problem is being solved. To be continued. Your Lana
