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Remember: you must always do everything perfectly. Without a hitch. On the first try. Otherwise death. The world will collapse, our planet, which survived Dom-2 and many equally terrible things, will not survive your mistakes. Do you want to do something new, unusual and very important for you? Think hard about what would be better and more correct. You have to do it perfectly right away! Better nothing than bad! Study the material for a long time. Consult with knowledgeable people. It’s possible with those who don’t know. Are there people around you who like to criticize and harshly cut down your ideas? Be sure to ask them! Ask their opinion about your ideas as often as possible! Next, choose the best solution to the problem. Think about it. Consult again. Google it. Understand that the chosen option is not suitable. Repeat all operations as many times as necessary. Complicate the task in your imagination to an infinite degree. Refuse to do it. Repeat this many times with other tasks. Looking for your purpose? Do you want to never find him? Decide that this is an area in which you immediately need to be the best. Better than specialists with 20 years of experience. Otherwise, is this really the purpose? Forbid yourself to make mistakes. Don’t try to do something just because you enjoy the process. This is not for you! If we only do what we can do perfectly, we don’t grow. Only our ego grows like a soap bubble. This is neither good nor bad. It’s just that with this approach we are unlikely to get radically new results. Because we don't use our potential. To move forward, you need to allow yourself to make mistakes. It’s better to exclude the word “mistake” from your vocabulary. They don't exist. There is only experience on the way to achieving results. But you are above all this. Under no circumstances look for answers to the questions: What would you do if you knew for sure that success was guaranteed? How much is this different from what you do now? And forget that you might want to do something. Start doing it. Don't achieve results. Understand that something needs to change. Think about what exactly. Change actions. Repeat the cycle until you achieve what you want. This is not for you! Use only the first method.
