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“There are no coincidences!” “Everything has an obvious or hidden meaning, patterns and purpose!” Over and over again I repeat this to every questioning person in my life. If you don’t know the laws of gravity, don’t see cosmic radiation, X-rays, don’t hear the conversation between dolphins and bats, this doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! In order not to repeat myself a new, wonderful hundred thousandth time to each interlocutor/client, I decided to write this article. “Dusik, I will tell you as a person tormented by Narzan!” - Yes, let’s not be medieval ignoramuses and thick-headed pseudo-smarts! And I suggest we just move a little away from our stereotypes! “Saw Shura, saw, they’re golden!” Problems, difficulties, conflicts, worries... just from these words alone the body begins to shrink, the head hurts, the joints ache and the mood deteriorates. But it’s impossible to get rid of this eternal NEGATIVE; we feel trapped by circumstances, responsibility, decisions, choices, conscience. Feelings of guilt, and God knows what... Fatigue and hopelessness, sadness, depression and melancholy... What's next? “Life is suffering?” I don’t agree! Then what is THIS life for?! What to do with this endless armada of life’s difficulties and tasks? Are we really all slaves, and joyless ones at that, wrapped in black sadness and fatigue. How are the desert Bedouins? I offer you my vision of this issue. Join us! So, let's go! “Closer to the body, as Moposan said” Any problem, difficulty, illness, situation in our life can be viewed in completely different ways! You can go through a negative assessment: And then fear, anxiety, attempts to avoid / “silence” the problem appear, perception becomes gloomy, we lose energy to fight with ourselves (our fears, reluctance), and a subjective view of things makes us inflexible, leads to mistakes, narrows our worldview, motivation inevitably melts like ice in spring. What can you tell me about this? Maybe it’s like this: “Je ne mange pas sis jure.” Giben zi mir bitte zwei mark. Give it to the former member of the State Duma!” The direction of activity moves from the locus “I want This and am going to This (towards my goal)”, to the destructive “I am afraid of This, and therefore I will run away from This, just to go somewhere” (“even if this leads to new problems” ). Therefore, we change this unproductive component of perception to a new one: The problem for us now IS: - “Test”, which means you have a unique opportunity to find out your 1. Real level of development in something, or in general, and also, having learned this, develop Strengthen your weak sides as much as possible, and bring your strong ones to a new level of “perfection”, and thereby partially compensate for your weak sides. Motto: “Accept a task from life, and by solving it you will know yourself!” - “Quest” (“task” ") - any problematic situation, these are adventures, puzzles, a real show, and finally, with your participation! It's interesting! And at the end there is a Prize waiting for you! (well, as a rule, of course) Motto: “Accept the challenge of Life and prove what you are capable of!” - “Pumping up” (“game”) is a complex entertainment that will make you better! Real leveling up of not just any virtual hero, but yourself! Really! What could be cooler?! You become smarter, more attentive, more experienced, your level of speech, communication skills, business skills and much, much more improves. Motto: “Life is a game!” Play or lose!” “- Never before has Vorobyaninov extended his hand! “So stretch your legs, you old fool!” - “Sport” (“competition”) - rivals (competitors) are nearby, everyone is at a different starting position, everyone has a different handicap, but this only makes it more interesting and difficult. Overtake and defeat your most obnoxious, powerful opponent - yourself! Conquer your laziness and apathy, your uncertainty and weakness, your inconsistency and lack of assertiveness, your inability to plan and structure your abilities, resources, time, your stubbornness and limitations (we are all limited in some way by stereotypes and prejudices). Defeat “your past self” today, and be deservedly proud of it!!»
