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A real story from my practice. Published with the client's permission. The name, age and other methods of identification have been changed on purpose. At the reception, Ekaterina, 38 years old, married. My husband has been living in another city for many years, a kind of guest marriage. - You know, Marat, I canceled my visit to the hairdresser - I don’t understand who I should be beautiful for, my husband will return only in a month. I try to be a good wife, but my husband is not becoming a good one. I make him guilty... “I want to get rid of accusations, I want to stop being angry and offended,” the client voiced her request. “Katya, let’s use creative imagination - tell me, what kind of person are you that blames your husband and why are you doing this?” After a pause, “There is something in me.” that feeds on this feeling of guilt, something so big, brown, shaggy - Katya smiled. Looks like an evil Winnie the Pooh. Yes, he feeds on guilt. - “childish image” - I smiled internally. - Tell me, Katya, is there anyone next to Winnie the Pooh? - A girl of about seven... - the client answered immediately - distant feelings from childhood began to appear - How does the girl feel? - I ask carefully. - Boredom - Katya answers. - Please feel what is hiding behind boredom? - Something chilly, gray, uncertain... It looks like loneliness, the desire to receive love, attention. - Whose love do you want to receive? (using “you” I connect an imaginary image with the client) - Mom is there, she’s not far, but not with me. Deeply not with me - Katya sighs - Imagine and feel this “chilly loneliness”. What does it look like? - It’s such a lifeless, sagging thread that stretches to mom’s heart, but the heart is covered with a crust of ice - there are tears in Katya’s eyes. - Look, is this mom’s ice or...? - I see that my grandmother has it too the heart is covered with ice, there is also a thread between them... - Katya, imagine that you have temporarily become a grandmother: thoughts, feelings, you look at the world through her eyes... - The client, closing her eyes, plunged into the image of her grandmother... - A Now go, I turned to “grandmother,” to that place and time when your heart froze. “I’m 13 years old, sunny, summer... I’m running through a green meadow... Suddenly the meadow ends, a rock appears, everything becomes dim and cloudy...In the cleft of the rock, "The Snow Queen" blows on my heart. It's frozen! “...Katya’s grandmother, born in 1928, in 1941 she was just 13 years old. Their village was occupied by the Germans. By that time there were 9 children in the family. The elder sister and father went to the front. My father was considered missing (he returned after the war and was captured). After a while, the village was burned, the family went to the neighboring one, there were no Germans there. The younger brother died. Then, in 1943, during the retreat, the Germans came to this village, drove the residents into the church, burned the village itself, they wanted to burn the residents. Local partisans contacted the troops, and the offensive began 2 days earlier. The residents were saved…” - Feel what is in your heart, I returned to “grandmother”, love and warmth! She was there and will always be. Just feel this love! - I paused. There is no rock and no Snow Queen... Live with love in your heart, no matter how difficult and scary it is... Silence reigned in the office - the girl (grandmother) was reliving the war. - After a while... - See how you (I continue the conversation with the “grandmother”) a daughter was born (Katya’s mother), send a ray of love into the child’s heart. Deliberately changed the “lifeless threads” to the “ray of love”. Pause... - Katya, quietly addressed the client, now shift into your mother... Feel that your mother’s heart is filled with warmth and love. See that she is pregnant with you, see how she, stroking her belly, directs a ray of love into your heart... - See yourself little, feel that you have inherited (!) love and warmth... - You are seven years old... Feel how you look at Winnie the Pooh with love. I paused. “Feel your mother hugging you and saying, Katya, I love you!” - Live your life with this feeling. Go through situations and moments of your life, maintaining love and warmth.... Ten minutes passed....- When the client came out of the trance, I asked her - How is your resentment and
