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Let me start with the fact that in Russia, 20% of couples of childbearing age, or rather women in permanent relationships, cannot get pregnant. Of course, there is no single reason why this happens. And the most amazing thing is that after five to six years of struggle, waiting and treatment, when hope disappears, pregnancy occurs. Why is this happening? When planning a child, a woman considers many different aspects in which there will be a change not for the better and which are accompanied by anxiety and fear: - interruption of studies (or deterioration in its quality), career growth, deterioration of financial status, - fear of losing their usual way of life, - fear of losing attractiveness (figure, becoming stupid while caring for a child), - fear that the husband will leave for another woman (they intensify if such cases have been in the family) - mental illness of the parents, the message - you cannot impregnate a dangerous mother, and just fear that the child will be the same - experiencing the fear of death (by the mother or the child), etc. In addition, at an unconscious level, conception is influenced by the experience of sexual violence, especially before reproductive age; this can also include medical manipulations (medical violence) (removal of tonsils, adenoids, catheters, enemas), injuries to the pelvic organs, previous abortions and unsuccessful IVF. As a result, the pelvis is clamped, there is little energy in it, and in the case of IVF and abortions, there is also an energy-informational memory of death, in which fertilization simply does not occur. The trauma of child-parent relationships plays a big role - the girl does not want to be like her mother, she does not accept women’s history, “does not want to be a woman” (a girl from puberty is harsh, loud, takes on male roles). In the future, she has energy exchange according to the male type, that is, through the legs, and not through the uterus as it should be in a woman, since the pelvis is blocked (as in the case of violence), problems with excess weight, thrombophlebitis, fibroids. At the same time, the woman is active, and chooses a passive, avoiding partner for her husband according to the compensatory principle. Of course, the man in this union has his own childhood and parental experience, in which there was a reluctance to be like a dad, a non-acceptance of men's history. A man who is afraid to impregnate a woman is afraid of his mother. Normally, a woman is as mobile as a vine (not to be confused with a thin one), and a man is stable, but in this case there is a reversal of roles. The consequences of childhood traumatic experiences can also manifest themselves in the fact that a woman feels like a mother from a young age, she is involved in raising brothers, sisters, nephews, and then they are replaced by a husband, with whom relationships are built on the same principle. Either all decisions in the house are made by the woman alone (“mom is always right”), or the man is given freedom in the professional field, but at home he is treated like a child. They talk to him like a small child, including questions about health, food, whether he called his mother (physiological) and so on, and he reciprocates, trying to be sweet and obedient. The situation gets worse when the marriage is compensatory not only in terms of roles (mother and child), but also in terms of age. In the case when a woman plays the role of a mother for her partner, who is 10-15 or even more years older than her, a double substitution of roles occurs; she chooses not a husband, but a father, but at the same time plays the role of a mother. As a result, in this family there is already a network of mother and child, and there is a father and a child; for the unconscious, it is not clear how a mother can conceive from a child, and a father can impregnate a daughter. In such families, normal conception (without IVF) often occurs after a child is taken into the family from an orphanage and he becomes dear and loved to both, and they become parents to him, the child comes, since in this case they have already shown that They can be parents not only to each other. In those families in which the doors are always open to friends and relatives, inquiries about infertility are also common. Their home, of course, is famous for its hospitality, they are very welcoming...
