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Self-esteem is a deep sense of our self-worth, felt by the whole body. Positive self-esteem means complete and unconditional acceptance of oneself with the objective awareness that a person has both strengths and weaknesses, and positive, and negative qualities, this affects the formation of a person’s behavior style and life activity. A person with positive self-esteem feels quite attractive, but does not believe that they must be perfect. People with high or low self-esteem have difficulty building a career, harmonious interpersonal relationships and often fall into codependency. In order to form a positive self-esteem, you need to focus on your own strengths, good qualities and successes. The Success Diary helps a lot with this. Self-esteem begins to develop in early childhood. In our society, between the ages of one and five years, children usually hear the words “no”, “don’t”, “can’t” 15 to 20 thousand times. When these messages come from parents and other authority figures for the child, they create limiting beliefs and limited actions. To neutralize such negative programming, you need from 15 thousand to 25 thousand messages - “yes”, “you can”, “why not”. To create positive beliefs, another 15 to 25 thousand positive messages are needed!!! According to Klemes and Bean (1981), people with high self-esteem: - feel proud of their achievements; - act decisively in their own interests; - take responsibility for their part of the matter; - patiently endure failures if something does not work out according to plan; - meet new challenges with enthusiasm; - feel the ability to influence their environment; People with low self-esteem: - avoid difficult situations; - are easily led; - take a defensive position and are easily disappointed; - do not know how they feel; - blame others for their own experiences. Components necessary for the formation of positive self-esteem in children: Acceptance of the child by adults, parents, teachers. This creates a feeling of being valued. Clearly defined restrictions. There should be as few as possible; this helps to establish a balance between experimentation and the desire for safety, passive or aggressive behavior of the child. Respect from adults for the child as an individual. It is important that the child's needs and desires are taken seriously. This allows the child to have psychological space for maturation, independence and autonomy (separation). Parents and other adults with high self-esteem as role models. Children need role models. In addition, adults with high self-esteem are more able to accept a child, identify limitations and respect the child’s personality. To work with self-esteem, I use the following technique with MAC (metaphorical associative cards). I use any universal MAC, for example, “Persona”, “Imago” , “Three Whales” or resource MACs. We draw the cards face down, face down. We ask the following questions: What is it time to forgive yourself? What do you need to accept about yourself? How should you treat yourself? What words are important to support yourself? What actions can you take to take care of yourself? What can you afford? What am I successful at? What would I do? what would you do if you loved yourself? What will help me gain confidence in myself and my abilities? What will help me value myself? The cards need to be revealed one by one and summed up at the end. You can also ask these questions without a MAC, write down the answers and... act. You can sign up for a consultation by phone or WhatsApp 8-919-967-24-19.
