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Praxis (from the Greek praxis - action) - the ability to perform successive sets of movements and perform purposeful actions according to an established plan. When performing complex motor acts, the work of skeletal muscles must occur in the correct sequence with simultaneous coordinated contractions of many muscle groups. Complex actions are formed on the basis of kinesthesia - continuously incoming information from proprioceptors when performing any movements. The visual analyzer also plays a significant role. In learning and performing complex human motor acts, speech signaling (oral and written) is of particular importance. Apraxia (apraxia, from the Greek praxis - action, and - negation) is a violation of voluntary purposeful movements, disorders of motor skills in the absence of movement disorders, skills in using household appliances, and self-care skills are lost. Praxis disorders, associated primarily with pathology of the kinesthetic analyzer, also depend on damage to speech functions. On the other hand, to implement the latter, impeccable praxis of the speech organs is necessary. There are two groups of apraxia: 1. Apraxia according to the localization of the pathological process in the brain.2. Apraxia by types of cognitive disorders and skills. Let's consider in more detail the types of apraxiaTypes of apraxia1. Kinesthetic apraxia (afferent);2. Kinetic apraxia (efferent);3. Spatial (constructive) apraxia;4. Regulatory (ideational) apraxia. Kinesthetic apraxia Occurs with damage to the middle-lower sections of the postcentral gyrus. In these cases, the afferent synthesis of voluntary movement is disrupted, the ability to correctly reproduce hand poses is impaired, and cannot show how to fasten buttons without visual control. Kinetic apraxia occurs when the premotor parts of the frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex are damaged. Manifests itself in the form of a violation of the sequence of movement organization. This type of apraxia is characterized by motor perseverations, which manifest themselves in the uncontrolled repetition of the movement that has begun. For example, when conducting a test on performing a series of successive movements with the hand “fist-edge-palm”, he cannot change the position of the hand, he only knocks on the table with his fist. Execution according to the model is impossible. Spatial apraxia Occurs when the parieto-occipital parts of the cerebral cortex are damaged. This apraxia is based on a violation of visual-spatial synthesis, a violation of spatial representations (“top-bottom”, “right-left”), and there is a violation of the construction of a whole from individual elements. Apraxia of dressing (Brain syndrome), a variant of constructive apraxia. Confuses the sides of clothes, has difficulty fastening buttons, difficulty putting on a sleeve, putting on a shoe, etc. Ideation apraxia Occurs when the prefrontal cortex is damaged anterior to the premotor areas. It manifests itself in the form of a violation of the movement program, turning off control over their execution, and replacing the necessary movements with motor patterns and stereotypes. The greatest difficulties are caused by changing the program of movements and actions. Characteristic is echopraxia - imitation of the movements of others. Walking apraxia - violations of the program of cyclic walking movements. Let's give an example of studying praustic functions. The ability to perform simple actions: close your eyes, stick out your tongue, give the tongue a “tube” position, put it between your teeth and lower lip, whistle; spread your fingers, form a ring shape with your fingers. Actions with real objects: light a match, salt bread, pour water into a glass, comb your hair with a comb. Actions with imaginary objects: show how to catch flies, hammer a nail, drink from a glass, eat soup, etc. n. Gestures: how they shake a finger, how they give a military salute, send an air kiss, etc. Imitation of the doctor’s actions. Transitive actions: show the right or left eye with the index finger of one or the other hand, etc. Study of ability.
