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One boy took pity on the old man: - Dad, your hand is not easy! I’ll stand next to your cow, Maybe we’ll sell your cattle. A buyer comes with a tight wallet, And now he’s haggling with the boy; - Will you sell the cow? - Buy if you’re rich. The cow , look, it’s not a cow, but a treasure! - Is it so! She looks painfully thin!—Not very fat, but good milk yield. - Does a cow give a lot of milk? - If you don’t milk it in a day, your hand gets tired! “How an old man sold a cow.” I’ll start the description of this psychotype with this story. I once had the opportunity to conduct training on effective communication in a cardiac surgery center. There were four groups: junior medical personnel, middle, senior and administration. In total there were more than a hundred people. And of course, you can always see who absorbs knowledge better, who sees the benefits from it and tries to use it in practice, and who doesn’t see the point in it and simply considers it all nonsense. And in the group, the administration pleasantly surprised me and even amazed me somewhere one employee. Which not only easily absorbed the material, but there was an impression that she already uses it in her work and I think in life simply automatically, without even thinking about whether it was correct or not. In general, she certainly did not know the rules of this effective communication, but it was done simply at the highest level. Much better than mine. She easily understood all the material and could immediately easily demonstrate almost any skill from this material. I saw that she was fluent in what I taught to all these groups. And she was never trained for this. During the training, I learned that her job was (drumroll, this is the most important part of this story) in that she negotiated with the closest relatives, and most often these were the parents of the young man, to transplant his heart to transplant it to another person, in connection with his tragic death. Imagine the situation? A young man, someone's son or husband, dies in an accident, usually a road accident. Great grief falls on the family of the deceased. And on the same day, a stranger comes to the parents or wife of the deceased and offers to give them the heart of the deceased so that another person can live. One can only imagine what a strong nervous system is needed and at the same time possess the highest communication skills for such a thing. When I last saw her (the last time), she had already had about a hundred successful negotiations, about a hundred hearts received. Of all the combinations of psychotypes, emotive hypertim is the best communicator. Strategies of emotive and hypertim create the most effective interpersonal communications. Separately, The emotive sometimes lacks relaxation and courage, while the hypertim lacks tact and empathy. But the combination of these strategies eliminates these shortcomings. And that is why this psychotype has the best communication skills. Emotive hypertimidity does not occur very often in life. This is a rather rare psychotype, since emotiveness most often develops with an asthenic type of nervous system. In this case, the emotive strategy is most beneficial. After all, in competition with sthenic psychotypes, asthenics always lose and therefore, of course, it is better to use a strategy of cooperation rather than competition, even making significant concessions for themselves. Well, in the case of sthenic characters (epileptic, paranoid), emotiveness reflects the need for order, more for an epileptoid and, in fairness, more for a paranoid one. But for hyperthymus, emotivity, well, is not needed at all. Hyperthymia has almost no meaning for adaptation in society. Where does it come from? But probably the hyperthymic strategy is superimposed on the strong work of mirror neurons responsible for empathy. And in this case, we can say that emotive hypertim is the “real” emotive. The most sincere, the simplest, without any thoughts or expectations at all to receive anything he needs in response to his help. In all other combinations...
